Chapter 53

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Visenya returns Aegon to her mother. Then a little torture and death. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

It felt like she could not breathe like there was not enough oxygen in the room. Her son was gone, taken by someone who wanted to hurt her. Rhaenyra did not expect everyone to follow her blindly and she knew there were a few people who opposed her rule. What she could not understand was why they would go after her children. She had never hurt a child and she did not go after the children of her enemies. Her daughter was more than capable of defending herself, but her son was different. Aegon was so small and defenseless, how could anyone think about hurting him?

"My love," She had not stopped pacing, she was unable to stand still. "You need to sit down and calm down, this is not doing you any good."

"I cannot calm down, someone took our son." She looked at her husband as tears ran down her face. "He is so small and helpless, it is past time for his feeding. What if he is crying? He must be so hungry."

"Please, Rhaenyra." Daemon took her in his arms and hugged her to his chest. "Do not do this to yourself, everything will be fine. Aegon will be back before we know it and this will all be a nightmare."

She hoped that was true because if something happened to her son she would burn the entire city to the ground. She had not felt this kind of fear since Visenya was a child and the Yunkai wise masters had sent people to kill her. Now it was her son who was in danger and she was not sure she could go through this again. She hated this place and what it did to people. She sobbed into Daemon's chest, she wanted her son.

"Muña," Rhaenyra turned so fast that she would have fallen if Daemon had not been holding her. Visenya was just past the doors with Aegon in her arms. "I got him and he is fine. He was not hurt."

"Oh, gods!" Rhaenyra ran to her daughter and took Aegon from her arms. She pressed her son to her chest and kissed his small head, checking his little body to assure herself he was well, before pulling her daughter in for a hug. "Thank you, thank you. I do not know how to thank you."

"You do not have to thank me, muña." Her daughter kissed her cheek before kissing Aegon's forehead. "He is my little brother and I adore him. I will always protect him, no matter what."

Rhaenyra was not sure how Visenya had turned into the woman she had in front of her, but she thanked whoever god had anything to do with it. Her daughter might be a little overzealous sometimes and she might enjoy torturing people a little too much, but she was also sweet and kind to those who needed it. Visenya was loyal to her family and the people she loved and she had loved Aegon since the moment Rhaenyra had introduced them.

Daemon moved closer to them and ran his hand over Aegon's head. He had looked so happy and relieved and Rhaenyra knew how worried he had been about their son. She appreciated to strong he had been for her. He had stayed with her the entire time and had attempted to keep her calm and collected.

"Who took him?" Daemon asked.

"Laena." Rhaenyra looked at her daughter with wide eyes. She had believed Alicent was the one to take the babe, apparently, she had been wrong. "She is in the black cells and the nursemaid she paid is dead."

"Are Corlys and Rhaenys aware of what happened?" She knew that this would not go over well with the Velaryons. No matter what Laena had done, she was still their daughter. "Do they know where she is at?"

"I do not know if they are aware that she is in the black cells, but they know what she did." Visenya shrugged. "They had to after I had the guards wake everyone in the tower of the hand. My grandmother knows that Laena will not be alive for too much longer." Visenya stared at her for a moment. "Do you have any objections to that?"

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