Chapter 35

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The morning after Visenya and Aemond's wedding. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

As always High Valyrian will be in italics.

Aemond woke up to something tickling his nose, and a warm body pressed against his. The sun was fully out, and he looked down to see silver gold hair spread over his chest and tickling his nose. Visenya was half on top of him, her head tucked under his chin, her breathing slow and deep. They had not gotten a lot of sleep the night before, but he was not fully to blame, it was not like his niece had asked him to stop. There were times when she had initiated it. They were supposed to be going to the Godswood, where a celebration was being held in their honor. His sister had brought entertainers from all over Westeros and across the narrow sea.

The doors to their chambers opened and his body tensed before he realized it was Visenya's maid. The woman curtsied before approaching the bed and speaking in a low voice.

"My prince, the queen is requesting both you and the princess's presence in the Godswood." The woman frowned, possibly noticing the surprised look on his face. "Is something the matter?"

"No," He shook his head. "I just did not know you could speak the common tongue. I only ever heard you speaking Valyrian before."

"Most people do not know, the princess prefers it that way." She gave him a knowing look, which made him understand what she was saying. Visenya used her as a spy, if people did not know she could understand them they would speak freely in front of her. "I will prepare the princess's bath."

Aemond nodded and dismissed her, waiting until she was gone to turn back to his wife. Even thinking those words gave him pleasure, his wife, which meant she was his, they belonged together and no one could take that away.

He kissed Visenya's forehead, before kissing her cheeks and the tip of her nose. His wife made a grunting sound, not happy to be bothered while she rested. Her annoyance made him smile, she was adorable. He kissed her once more, until she opened her eyes, glaring at him.

"It is too early." Her voice said she was considering feeding him to Karnax for daring to wake her.

"It truly is not." He tickled her sides, making her squeal. "Your mother is requesting our presence in the Godswood."

"It bothers me how chirpy you are." She narrowed her eyes at him. "Are you one of those annoying people who wakes up before the sun is even up and is happy about it?"

"Yes." He could not keep the smile off his face.

"I did not know that." The look she gave him said that was a grievous matter. "I believe we will need to get divorced, that is a flaw that cannot be forgiven."

Aemond growled, flipping their bodies until Visenya was underneath him, his mouth kissing her possessively. She smiled against his mouth, kissing him back with just as must passion.

"You will never get rid of me," His hands ripped away the bedsheet before moving over her bare body. His mouth moved down her neck. "You are mine now and I will not give you up."

"Well, you do have your uses." The smile on her face and the way she was rocking against him let him know what she believed his uses were. "I guess I will keep you."

She squealed when he bit the skin above her breast, reprimanding her. Her hands went to his hair, moving him up until she could reach his lips and kiss him. Being with her like this felt right, he had never felt so happy as he did now. He knew his life with Visenya would never be dull, and he would never stop loving her.

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