Chapter 34

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This chapter is pretty much smut, just smut. I'm sorry 😳

The door had barely closed behind her when Aemond pushed her against it. His mouth took hers in a kiss that made her toes curl. She was happy that everything had gone well and there were no issues or casualties. People had been even more animated after Meleys had appeared in the temple, blessing their union. Well, most people, Visenya did not miss the look on Corlys, Laena, the Lannisters, or the Baratheons had on their faces. They were not happy with what took place, they knew that now it would be almost impossible for people to go against them. Everyone now knew that Rhaenyra, Visenya, and Aemond had the blessing of the gods, there was also the fact that Meleys had made it clear that anyone who would attempt to go against them would feel the gods' wrath.
Once they returned to the Red Keep, Aemond and her went directly to the healers where the cut on their hands had been cleaned and wrapped before they went to the feast that had been prepared to celebrate their union. Everything had been fun and Aemond had not left her side, he had refused to dance with anyone but her. When Lord Kermit had attempted to ask Visenya for a dance, Aemond had glared at him so harshly that the man had run away. No other lord had dared to ask Visenya for a dance. Then it had been time for them to retire and several lords started to call out for the bedding. The lords had barely moved towards her when Aemond had taken one of the knives they used for eating and let everyone know in no uncertain terms that he would kill anyone who dared to lay hands on her. Ormund Hightower had believed it not to be too serious since he was Aemond's cousin. The man had barely touched her arm when Aemond's fist had slammed on the man's face sending him to the ground immediately. Everyone had backed away after that, Aemond had merely taken Visenya's hand and stepped over Ormund on his way out.
Now, this was what they had been waiting for, they could now be together without people saying anything. They did not have to keep things a secret any longer. Their hands worked fast as they ripped off their clothes, she was sure she would never be able to wear the gown again. Once they were both bared Aemond did not wait before throwing her on the bed and climbing on top of her. His hands moved down her body and thrust two fingers into her cunt, his palm grinding on the small button between her legs.
"Now, my love, I can have you and make you scream for everyone to hear." His mouth moved down her neck, kissing and nipping until he reached her breasts and took a nipple into his mouth. Her back arched as she cried out, realizing that he was right, she would not have to attempt to keep quiet any longer. "I hated the way all those people were looking at you, they wanted you, but you are mine."
He pumped his fingers in and out of her, his palm continuing to grind against her. Her arousal coated his fingers, making his movements easier.
"Kepus," Her legs started to shake as his hand moved faster, his mouth sucking her nipples harder. "Fuck me, please."
"I will after you come." His fingers moved, as he applied pressure to a spot inside her body that made her tense and her legs shook even harder. "I want you to come as I fuck your pretty cunt with my fingers and I want you to scream. I want every lord to hear how much you enjoy being fucked by your uncle."
The movement of his fingers, his mouth on her skin, and his dirty words made that small thread that had been holding her together snap, her entire body shaking as her release hit her hard. The moan that left her throat was so loud that she was worried for a moment about people hearing, then remembered that it did not matter. People could listen all they wanted, in fact, that was what Aemond wanted. Aemond pulled his fingers from her body and Visenya grabbed his wrist, holding his gaze as she took the two fingers that he had used to pleasure her into her mouth. His eyes widen and his nostrils flared as she licked and sucked her juices off him.
He pulled his fingers from her mouth, his hand taking hold of his cock and rubbing the swollen head up and down her drenched slit. Her hips arched as she bit her lip, her body still sensitive from her previous orgasm. He did not seem to care how sensitive she was, the crown of his cock penetrating her as he lowered his head and took her bottom lip into his mouth and sucked. The sting from the small cut on her lip made her channel tighten around him. Aemond groaned and entered her slowly, his other hand tightening on her hip as he attempted to control himself.
"Damn it, Visenya." He stopped once he was fully inside of her, his breathing hard, the forearm resting next to her head shaking with effort as he attempted to keep still. "You are so tight."
"Fuck me," She nipped at his bottom lip, wanting him to move. "Please, I need you."
"I need to take it slow." He groaned when she clenched around him once more. "I do not want to hurt you."
"You will not hurt me, I need this." She wrapped her arms around his neck attempting to draw him closer and make him move, but the stubborn man refused to do as she asked. She was getting frustrated until she remembered all the times he had whispered dirty things to her and the way her body would react. Maybe it would have the same effect if she did it. "Do you not want me kepus? Don't you want to fuck your little niece and show everyone how good you make me feel?" He made a hissing noise, which made her smile as she trailed her tongue over the column of his neck. "I love your big cock fucking my tight little cunt hard, letting me know who I belong to."
Aemond's control snapped, his hands untangled her arms from around his neck and slammed them down above her head. His grip let her know she would not be going anywhere any time soon. Then he started to move, his cock slamming into her as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. His large cock stretched her to the point of pain, as he hammered into her body, letting her know that she would be sore in the morning, not that she cared.
She attempted to move her hands, but he would not allow it, his body in full control until she was sure she would faint from the pleasure coursing through her body. He switched both her wrists into one of his hands, as his other one moved down her body and played with the small bundle of nerves between her legs. The sensation of his finger playing with her, while his cock fucked into her with such force, made her entire body clench as she came. Her channel contracted around him over and over again, as they both yelled out their release. His body shot rope after rope of come into her body until they both went limp.
Visenya lost the notion of time for a bit, she was not sure if it had been a few minutes or an hour when Aemond moved, and she could feel his cock hardening inside of her again. His lips moved over her face.
"I want you again."
His mouth was on hers before she could respond, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and arousing her all over again. They might not get any sleep that night, but she did not care, they were together and that was all she had wanted.
She was tired, her feet ached and all she wanted was to go to sleep. It had been a long happy day, but also a happy one. Tomorrow will be another long day, the celebrations continuing most of the day and into the night. The day after that would also be busy and then there would be a hunt on the fourth day. She was happy that no major incidents had taken place, even the common folk were happy to be celebrating with the royal family. She entered her chambers and was startled at the figure standing by the balcony doors.
"Daemon?" Her uncle turned to look at her, he had a cup in his hands. "Is something wrong?"
"No, I was just thinking and wanted to be alone." Before Rhaenyra could ask any questions Daemon explained himself. "Viserys keeps attempting to speak to me, he was waiting in my chambers for me and I do not want to see him."
"Are you planning on staying here?"
"No." Daemon moved to the table and placed the cup on it. "I will be taking my leave now, I did not mean to make you uncomfortable."
"You do not have to leave now." She was aware of how bad Daemon's relationship with her father was, and if he had decided to hide in her chambers then she would not kick him out. "You can stay for a while longer, maybe my father will give up and return to his wife."
"Thank you." Daemon nodded, moving to the balcony doors once more. There was something bothering him, he was not acting like his normal self.
"Is something bothering you?"
"What makes you think that?"
"You are quiet." Rhaenyra could not help her amusement. "When you are this quiet it usually means trouble."
"I was thinking about today." He shrugged. "I was thinking about Laenor and how gracious he was by allowing me to walk with him and Visenya. I do not know if I would be able to show the same graciousnesses he has shown me."
"Laenor is a great man." She removed her crown, before starting to remove her jewelry. "He has always cared about Visenya's happiness and he has always looked up to you."
"I do not believe there is much to look up to now." Rhaenyra frowned when she heard his words, turning to look at him. "I have made so many mistakes that I do not believe anyone would want to be like me."
"Daemon, you need to stop punishing yourself and putting yourself down." Rhaenyra shook her head. "Making amends for something you did wrong does not mean you have to punish yourself for the rest of your life."
"How am I supposed to be forgiven or make up for the mistakes I made?" He moved closer to her and shook his head. "Those things I did, I will never be able to take back or have a chance to redo them once more. I do not know what to do."
"You have always been too hard on yourself." Rhaenyra moved her hand until she was touching his cheek, running her fingers over the side of his face. "All you need to do is be here for Visenya now, just wait for her to be ready to speak to you. Believe me, she will ask you whatever her questions are once she is ready to."
"And what about you?"
"Me?" Rhaenyra frowned, not sure what he meant. "What about me?"
"How am I supposed to make it up to you?" Daemon had done everything possible to make things right between them. He had been one of her biggest supporters since her return. "How do I make you forgive me and look at me like you used to?"
"Daemon, we will never go back to the way we used to be before." She did not like the way his face fell, but she did not want to give him false hope. "Because we are not the same people, we have gone through several things that have changed us. It is not the same thing, it just means that we have grown."
One of his hands went to her face, running his finger over her skin as his thumb traced her lips. She was about to take a step when Daemon lowered his head, his mouth pressing against hers. Her eyes widened, she had not been expecting that, but the feeling was pleasant. It was more than pleasant, it felt like coming home. Both his hands moved until he was cupping her face, as his tongue moved inside her mouth. Rhaenyra's eyes fell shut as her mouth moved under his, her hands wrapping around his neck. Her senses were completely consumed by him, she had no idea how much she had missed this until now.
Daemon moved, making her step back until her back hit the table. His hands moved to the back of her gown and untied it quickly until it fell around her ankles. Rhaenyra's body felt feverish as her heart pounded in her chest. Daemon's head moved slightly as his tongue plunged deeper into her mouth. His hands moved down her body, taking hold of her shift and moving it up her legs. He moved her until she was sitting on the table, his hands pushing open her legs and stepping between them. Rhaenyra's hands moved to his doublet, untying it quickly. A part of her mind was protesting, telling her they were moving too fast, but she did not want to listen to it. She wanted this, at least for tonight she could pretend things had not gone as horrible as they had in the past. Once his doublet and tunic were off Rhaenyra's hands moved down to his trousers, she could feel how hard he was as she moved her hand over him.
Daemon removed her hands, pressing their bodies closer as he rocked against her. One of his hands moved beneath her tunic, his fingertips brushing against her damp core.
"You are already wet." His voice was harsh, his eyes hot as he just stared at her with hunger.
"Yes." Rhaenyra's voice was a bit breathless. "You arouse me."
"Open your legs, Rhaenyra." She did as he asked, her body in complete control now. His mouth took hers in a quick, harsh kiss. "Let me play with your hot little cunt."
Daemon always had a way of driving her to distraction, she had been completely taken by him any time he walked into a room. For years she had fooled herself into believing that it had changed, that he did not have the same effect on her any longer. When she first arrived in Kings Landing she had been so angry that she had been able to keep him at arm's length. As she had discovered certain things about what had happened and her anger had diminished, her defenses had gone down a bit and she had admitted to herself that he still affected her in the same way.
The way he was touching her made her pant, her eyes closing as she arched her back, her hips moving against his hand. Her eyes snapped open as his fingers moved away and she opened her mouth, ready to protest.
Instead of a protest, a moan came out of her mouth as he entered her. Her hands went to the top of his shoulders, her nails digging in as she lifted her face and kissed him. Her tongue slid over his lips as he opened his mouth, their breaths mingling together as they both panted. His hands were now on her waist, his fingers digging into her skin as he pulled back before slamming back in. She could not do anything but hold on to him as he moved inside her. Sinking deeper with every thrust, their moans echoing around the room.
She could feel her body cresting, each movement of their body dragging her closer and closer to that precipice. One particularly hard thrust sent her flying over the edge, his mouth slammed down on hers to stop her scream, as Daemon's hips pounded into her, chasing his own pleasure. Then his hands tightened on her hips as he found his release, warmth filling her.
Once the euphoria had died down, Rhaenyra licked her lips, swallowing around the lump in her throat. She should not have allowed this, they still had a lot of issues to work through and she knew that this would just confuse things and make things harder for both of them. 

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