Chapter 26

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I'm sorry, don't hate me for this chapter, but it has to happen.

Aemond, Rhaenyra and Visenya welcome Cregan Stark to Kings Landing, Aemond doesn't like the northern lord much. Rhaenyra realizes that it might be time to let Kaffo go so he can be happy. Rhaenyra hears Daemon and Viserys speaking. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

As always Valyrian will be in italics and Dothraki will be in bold italics.

1 day later.

He had been worried and if he was being honest with himself he had been terrified. His sister could have said no and refused to allow him to wed Visenya. He still had trouble believing she had defended him to the lords on the small council. No one had ever defended Aemond the way his sister did. She also cared about his thoughts and his opinion on things. His mother had never wanted to hear what he was thinking or what he believed, all she wanted was blind obedience and loyalty. He was not sure how she would react when she heard about his and Visenya's coming wedding, but he was sure it would not be good. He had been able to avoid his mother the day before by spending most of it outside the Red Keep.

It was early still, they were supposed to be welcoming Cregan Stark to Kings Landing. The lord had sent a raven requesting a meeting with the queen and his sister immediately agreed. Apparently, she and Stark had become allies and friends while she had been living in New Valyria. Rhaenyra had saved the North from dying of hunger and sent them a large amount of supplies. The lord would also be invited to stay for Aemond and Visenya's wedding now that he would be here. When Cregan had first written Rhaenyra had invited him and his sister to Kings Landing, letting Cregan know that Sara Snow would be legitimatized and become a true Stark.

"By the Gods Aemond," He jumped, turning to his mother, who was looking at him with horror on her face. He was a bit confused as to why she would be looking at him that way. "What happened to you? Should I call a maester?"

"What?" He was even more confused by his mother's words. The tunic he had been about to put on was forgotten in his hands. "What are you talking about?"

"Your back." She still looked horrified. "You have long scratches all over your back. What happened?"

"Oh." He had to hide his smile, putting on his tunic before she noticed the bite mark his niece had also given him. "It is nothing, I am well."

His mother frowned but did not say anything, just looked at him with concern. Aemond knew that it would no go over well with his deeply religious mother if he told her that while pleasuring his little niece she became completely inhibited, biting and scratching like an angry cat. He had forgotten about the scratch marks, but could not help but smile when thinking about Visenya giving them to him. He wore them like a badge of honor, knowing that no one had ever driven her to the brink of insanity.

"Why are you smiling?" He cleared his throat, while his mother looked at him with suspicion. "What is happening with you Aemond? I have barely seen you and you refuse to tell me anything about your life."

"What would you like to know?"

"How about when were you going to tell me you were getting married?" He should have known his mother would discover what was happening. "You are wedding that.."

"Careful, mother." It was too early to start a fight and he did not want to ruin all the happy memories he had created by fighting with his mother. "Do not finish that thought, you will not enjoy my reaction. I would think you are happy for me."

"Happy for you?" Her glare became more pronounced. "You are marrying a woman of questionable birth. She is not worthy of you."

"Mother, I will not repeat myself. Take care of how you speak of Visenya, she will be my wife." For once in his life, he wanted his mother to be happy for him and to forget about her ambitions and her wishes. "You should be happy about this, wedding Visenya means that one day I will be king."

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