Chapter 9

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Your comments and likes made me so happy I decided to post an additional chapter. 😃

Jayne and Rhaenyra talk about what Rhaenyra plans to do. Visenya finally asks Rhaenyra about Daemon. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Valyrian will be in italics.

"I wanted to thank you for allowing me to stay." Rhaenyra smiled at her cousin. "I also wanted to thank you for the trade treaty you set with me. All the food and animals will be of great help to my people."

"I am happy I could help." Rhaenyra was genuinely glad that her cousin had visited her. The woman was a fountain of information. "I will make sure the ships are on time every year."

"Yeah, that is one less thing to worry about. The plague is enough to make me lose sleep." Rhaenyra gave her cousin a questioning look. "There is a sickness spreading through the kingdom, it started in the Riverlands and it has spread to the Vale, the Reach, the Westerlands, and even Driftmark has been affected. The maesters have no idea what to do, they have never seen this disease before."

"I could send some of my healers, and see if they can help?" Jayne gave her a bright smile. "The healers are very knowledgeable about several different diseases, even ones I have never heard of."

"That would be a great help." Jayne squeezed her hand. "I would be very grateful. I will also pay a bit more gold."

"Do not worry, everything will be well, I will help you." Rhaenyra opened her mouth but heard a groan before she could speak. She turned towards the door to see Laenor walk in, he was limping and Visenya walked in after him, a smile covering her entire face. "Laenor, why are you limping? What happened? Do you need a healer?"

"No, I am perfectly well." Laenor groaned and sat down. "Visenya beat me again, in front of everyone. I fell wrong and hurt my leg, but it was nothing too bad. The healer already took a look at it."

"Visenya." Rhaenyra gave her daughter a look, which did not wipe the smile away from her daughter's face. "Have I not told you to stop embarrassing your father in front of all the guards?"

"But it was his idea!" Visenya threw her hands in the air. "He and Uncle Joffrey placed a wager, and if I won they would give me ten gold dragons. And I did win, I beat him good."

"You wagered with our daughter." Jayne laughed, while Laenor gave her a guilty look. "How can I reprimand her when you are enticing her to fight with you?"

"I was not enticing her." Laenor glared at Visenya who took one of the honey cakes Rhaenyra had brought in for Jayne and her, placing the entire cake into her mouth and chewing happily. "I do not mind training with her, is just that every time she beats me she yells, I am the greatest and then dances around me."

"It is because I love you, ave." Rhaenyra glared at her daughter when she spoke with her mouth full. Visenya swallowed the cake before smiling at her father. "I want you to be your best self and for that, I have to fight you as hard as I can."

"Hey!" Laenor glared at Visenya, his eyes shocked. "That is what I said to you when we first started training."

"Oh yes, I knew those words sounded familiar." Visenya did not look guilty in the least, as she pulled out a pouch. "Now I can buy the toys I wanted."

"Visenya, you are a princess." Rhaenyra frowned at her daughter. "You have more than enough toys."

"It is not for me, muña." Visenya took a sip of Rhaenyra's water. "You said we would be visiting one of the orphanages in Pentos. I thought the children would like some toys, I have already picked some of my toys, but a few new ones will be good as well."

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