Chapter 32

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Visenya, Rhaenyra and Laenor welcome the Tullys. Laenor finally gets to talk to Daemon and finds out some shocking things. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

1 day later.

The poison the maesters had come up with was not able to kill grown dragons, but it was able to kill the hatchlings and turn the dragon eggs into stone. Her mother had been livid when finding out what the faith and the citadel were planning. She had immediately sent soldiers to scour the city and attempt to find the maesters that had traveled to meet with the faith and created the poison. Everyone had been placed on high alert, over fifty unsullied had been sent to the dragon pit and they would guard the eggs day and night. No one but her mother, Aemond, Daemon, and Visenya were allowed to approach the eggs.

Now she was standing in the gardens with her mother and ave. The Tullys would be arriving in a few minutes and the royal family was supposed to welcome them. Daemon and Aemond were not present, they were in the city looking for the maesters and anyone from the faith who still had any ideas about killing the dragons. Her mother had asked Viserys if he wanted to be present to welcome the Tullys, but had rescinded the invitation when the man insisted on taking Alicent with him. Her mother did not have the patience to deal with the woman today and told Viserys he was not needed. Visenya had picked her clothing carefully, her silver gown complemented her skin and made her look like the princess and warrior she was. It almost looked like she was covered in Valyrian steel. Her mother was dressed in gold and purple, making her look every inch the empress she was. While her ave was dressed in black, he had refused to wear his house's colors since what took place with his father years before.

"My mother said she would check on Laena and make sure my sister does not cause any trouble," Laenor said while still looking forward.

"Have you not spoken to your sister since your return?" Visenya asked, knowing how much her ave had loved his sister.

"No, she does not have much interest in speaking to me." Laenor shrugged. "Neither does my father, my mother is the only one who is happy I am here."

"That is not true." Visenya gave him a smile. "I am also very happy that you are here. I have missed you this past few moons."

"I do not see why." Her ave's look was playful. "I have been told how much you have been enjoying humiliating the unlucky recruits who decide to fight you."

"Yes, but it is not the same." Visenya's smirked. "You are the one I enjoy humiliating the most."

"You are both out of your minds." Her mother snorted. "I have never understood your rivalry while sparring,"

"It is Ave's fault." Visenya's smile did not leave her face. "He does not enjoy being beaten by a girl."

"Your sex is not the problem." Laenor snorted. "It is the fact that I was being beaten by an eight name day old child, that was the humiliating part. So since that moment, I have decided that I needed to win at least one sparring match." Laenor placed a hand on his chest, giving Visenya a pitiful look. "You should take pity on your poor old father and let him win at least once."

"I do not think so." Visenya snorted, shaking her head. "If I do that then it will not be a true win."

Her mother laughed as her ave pouted. Trumpets sounded as the gates opened and two men on horses rode in, a wheelhouse behind them, followed by over thirty knights. The two men leading were related, they appeared to be father and son. Visenya did not remember them being at the coronation ceremony, she was sure an older man had been the one to swear fealty to her and her mother. The younger of the two men got off his horse and ran to the wheelhouse, helping a woman a few years older than her mother out of it. Then the two men and the woman approached them and bowed deeply.

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