Chapter 15

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We see a bit of what happens during Visenya and Aemond's trip into the city. Then it is time for the coronation. Rhaenyra gets some news right before and is not sure what to make of it. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Visenya was happy that Melila had not insisted on staying with her for too long, she had believed when Visenya told her she was tired and wanted to rest. It also helped that tomorrow was her mother's coronation and everyone was busy with the preparations. Visenya had allowed Melila to help her get ready for bed and then waited for the woman to leave. Once the doors to her chambers had closed Visenya had jumped off the bed and put on the simple black gown she had left hidden underneath the bed and put on one of her black cloaks. She was a bit surprised that Aemond had asked her to wait for him in her chambers. How was she supposed to get out of her chambers without people seeing her? If she walked out of the door her guards would immediately inform her mother and that was not something Visenya wanted.

There was a noise close to the wall behind her bed and Visenya frowned, taking one of her knives and approaching the bed. Then a part of the wall opened and Aemond walked in, he looked at the knife in her hands and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Visenya's smile was amused. "I did not know it was you, I needed to be prepared."

"Are you always prepared?" Aemond asked with a smile.

"Always." Visenya placed the knife on the table and moved closer to her uncle. "I did not know there was a secret entrance to my chambers."

"You did not?" Aemond looked at the secret door before looking back at her. "I thought you knew about the secret passages. When you saved us from the triarchy you seemed to know your way around it."

"My mother gave me a map of how to get to the throne room and a few of the exits." Visenya followed her uncle out of her chambers and waited while he closed the secret door. He took her hand, leading her down a set of stairs. "What part of the city are you taking me to?"

"We will go to one of the more prominent parts of the cities. It is actually close the the Red Keep."

"Wait." Visenya stopped walking, making Aemond stop too. He was two steps below her, which meant that their faces were leveled. "I was looking at some of the festivities from my balcony and the part of the city you are talking about did not seem any fun."

"It might not be, but it is the safest one."

"Kepus." Aemond's eyes widened, his pupils dilated and his nostrils flared. "I did not say I wanted to be safe, I said I wanted to have fun. Now, where is the largest celebration in the city?"

"It is in Flea Bottom." Aemond shook his head. "But I am not taking you there."

"Well, then I will go by myself." Visenya moved her face close to his, tracing the side of his face with one of her fingers. "I guess you will have to spend the rest of the night looking for me."

Visenya's eyes traced his facial features, going down to his lips. She felt the urge to kiss him, she did not understand why she felt this way about him. Every time they were near her body would heat up and she would feel a fluttering in her belly. She was not very comfortable with these feelings and she was not sure if she liked them. Even since she was small she had seen her mother suffering because of her father, the love she bore for him. Visenya did not want to ever feel that way about anyone, to give someone power over her.

"Fine." Aemond let out a sigh. "But you will not be away from me for even a second."

"That is fine with me." Visenya smiled, she had no issues staying close to her uncle if it would allow her to have a bit of fun.

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