Chapter 59

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3 weeks after the birth of Aysse. First part is how things are going. Then a little bit on intrigue. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

                                                                  Aegon  Targaryen (1 year old

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                                                                  Aegon Targaryen (1 year old.)

3 weeks later.

She had not been able to take a breath since her daughter had been born. Visenya had a hard time looking away from her, it felt like the moment she did her daughter would be gone. She had never felt fear until she realized there was something wrong with her babe when she had not heard her cry. The midwife and healers had examined Aysse several times and said that she was perfectly healthy, but Visenya still had trouble believing it. Her daughter had stayed in Visenya and Aemond's chambers since she was born. Aemond also did not want to leave his daughter alone, he would hover over people, even Visenya when they were holding his daughter. Laenor and Rhaenys had traveled to Westeros to meet the babe. They both had stayed for a sennight before returning to New Valyria. Her ave and grandmother had been very amused by her husband's hovering.

"Is he here?" A voice asked.

"What?" Visenya raised her head and frowned at her mother who was standing by the doors, looking around her chambers. "Who?"

"Your husband." Her mother gave her an exasperated look. "Is he here?"

"No." She was a bit confused as to why her mother had not just come in.

"Good." Rhaenyra walked in with Aegon in her arms. Her brother squealed when he saw her and immediately extended his arms. Visenya took him and kissed his head. Her mother did not miss a stride as she walked to the crib nearby and picked up Aysse. "I have missed you so much."

"You saw her earlier today."

"Yes, but her father was present and he would not stop telling me how to hold her and to make sure she did not cry, like I have never held a babe before." Her mother looked so annoyed that Visenya had to laugh. "I love my brother, but he is making me want to murder him, or have him spend some time in the black cells." Her mother sat across from her and gave her a thoughtful look. "How upset would you be if I sent him to the black cells for a few days."

"Very upset," Visenya answered while playing with Aegon.

"Oh, thank the gods he is not here." Visenya raised an eyebrow as her father walked in. He kissed the top of Aegon's head before kneeling next to her mother and kissing Aysse's forehead. "How is my beautiful princess fearing?"

"She is fearing well." Visenya rolled her eyes. "I know why my mother has problems with Aemond, but why do you?"

"He hovers." Her father answered with an annoyed look on his face. "He does not allow us to take her out of the chambers if you or him are not present and he does not allow anyone to hold her for too long."

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