Chapter 29

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Rhaenyra talks to Visenya about Daemon and explains some things. Rhaenys finally returns from Meereen and brings Visenya a gift. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

1 week later.

"You look so beautiful, little hatchling." Visenya smiled at the teary tone in her mother's voice. The seamstress also seemed happy. "You will be the most beautiful bride."

"Thank you, muña." The seamstress had been working nonstop on her gowns. She could not wait for Aemond to see her, she wanted to be beautiful for him. "I want Aemond to like it also."

"He will love it." Her mother gave her an amused look. "You could walk to him in rags and he will still think you are beautiful."

The smile would not leave her face, she could not wait to be wed to Aemond. Her mother had insisted that she did not want Visenya to be too far away. They should have moved to the tower of the hand since Aemond was the hand of the queen, but Visenya did not want to move away from her mother either. She and Aemond had spoken about it and decided they would stay in her chambers. Visenya's chambers were large enough for both of them and there was a nursery attached to them. They would be able to have their privacy and still be close enough to her mother in case she had need of them.

Once the seamstress was satisfied with the way the gown looked Visenya took it off, and had her mother help her with her pink gown. They were supposed to attend a small council meeting after this. There were several things that would need to be resolved before the wedding, and nothing could be left to chance. The seamstress left while Visenya put her jewelry in place before turning towards her mother.

"What will happen after my wedding?" Rhaenyra frowned. "Aemond and I are supposed to be going to Dragonstone for a few weeks, who will train the soldiers during that time?"

"I have already spoken to Daemon about it. He will handle all the training while you and Aemond are gone. Hopefully, Rhaenys will be back by that time and will take over her duties once more." Her mother must have noticed the frown on her face because Rhaenyra gave her a questioning look. "What is wrong?"

"Have you forgiven Daemon?" Visenya was not sure how she felt about her mother having a relationship with Daemon. "I have seen you with him and you do not look displeased. It seems you are becoming friends."

"My love, my relationship with Daemon is not a simple thing, it has never been simple." Her mother took her hand and guided her to the settee closest to the balcony, sitting down and then patting the place beside her so Visenya would sit too. "I grew up with Daemon and he was my favorite person in the entire world. He would spend time with me anytime he was in the city. He was the one who took me on my first dragon ride and he would bring me all kinds of presents anytime he would visit. I have loved him for as long as I can remember."

"But he hurt you, have you forgotten about that?"

"Of course not, my love." Rhaenyra caressed the side of her face. "But things are not always so simple. Not everything is black and white, there are gray areas."

"What excuse could Daemon have to abandon you?"

"He never gave me an excuse, but I overheard him and my father speaking. Well, Daemon was yelling at my father. I learned that my father threatened Daemon with exiling and disinheriting me if he wed me. He said that he would allow me to be queen and support me if Daemon gave us up. Daemon did not know that my father had already disinherited me and wed Laena, thinking that he was doing what was best for us and that I would not lose my father. He did not find out the truth until after I left for Essos." Visenya felt anger fill her body, how could her grandsire be so cruel to her mother? He was the one in this world who was supposed to protect and care for her mother. How could he have abandoned her that way and threatened the only other person who loved her so he would stay away? "I have not forgiven your father, because he also made mistakes, but I can understand him a bit better. The one thing Daemon always wanted was my father's love and respect. I do not know if I ever told you about how my father became king?"

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