Chapter 48

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Rhaenyra returns and enacts a new law that leaves a few people speechless. Visenya tells her mother and father about Larys. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

"You are back." Rhaenyra laughed as her daughter threw herself in her arms and wrapped her arms around her. It reminded her of when Visenya was a child and would jump into her arms every time she saw her. "I am so happy to see you, I was starting to think you would never return."

"I am only one day behind of when I said I would return." She gave her daughter an amused look. "We got a bit distracted and decided to stay one more night."

"Well, you will be happy to know I behaved while you were gone." Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow. "I swear, I did not kill anyone."

"You might have not killed anyone, but I know you did something, I can see it all over your face." Rhaenyra intertwined their hands together before walking out of the chambers. "Is there anything I should be aware of?"

"No, the treaties are all still in place. I have checked the weapons for our soldiers and I would like to replace them." She was sure her daughter had done an amazing job. "The ones we have now are old and not in very good condition. I believe we can repurpose the metal for other things."

"That sounds good, go ahead and replace the weapons." Rhaenyra nodded. "Have the armor for the city watch, the unsullied, and the kingsguards inspected and replace them if needed."

"I will take care of it immediately." They both approached the throne room doors where Daemon was waiting for them. Her daughter let go of her arm and gave Daemon a nod.

"Good day, Daemon."

"Good day, Visenya." She did not miss the way her husband flinched when her daughter called him by his name. Daemon's greatest wish was for their daughter to call him father, but they knew it would take a bit longer. Rhaenyra would not push her daughter, she would forgive Daemon when she was ready. "I hope you are doing well."

"I am." Visenya's smile was not as cold as before but it was not warm either.

Daemon did not say anything, just nodded before extending his arm so Rhaenyra could take it. They waited until Aemond joined them before Rhaenyra signaled for the steward to announce them. Then the throne room doors opened and they walked in.

"Presenting her imperial highness Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen first of her name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms, and Protector of the Realm. Empress of New Valyria and her king consort Daemon Targaryen."

Rhaenyra walked up the steps and sat on the throne while Daemon stood to her left, Aemond stood to her right and Visenya stood two steps beneath her. Rhaenyra looked around the room, she wanted to make sure everyone was present. Most of the lords from all major houses who had attended her wedding and her name-day feast were still present, she had asked them to stay. She had known she would make this official and she wanted everyone to be present.

"I want to thank all of you who are present for staying longer than you intended. I know this has inconvenienced some of you." Everyone nodded but did not say anything. She looked at her father and her stepmother, before looking at Corlys, who was standing next to Rhaenys. "From this day forward a new law will be enacted, this law states that all succession will fall to the first-born child of the heir and their children, followed by the next oldest sibling of the heir and their offspring, no matter the sex. The heir will not lose their place if a male child is born. Following the rules and laws of Old Valyria, men and women are equal and can inherit. The same rules that apply to a male heir will apply to a female heir. This law will be known as Rhaenys law, in honor of Princess Rhaenys who should have become queen after her father, but was passed over by a man. This law will ensure that this injustice will not be repeated in the future. Princess Visenya will become queen after me, even if my union with her father produces male children."

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