Chapter 17

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You guys are amazing and I love you all.

Small council meeting, Alicent forgets she is not longer queen and Visenya makes sure to remind her. We find out Visenya's plans for the assassin and she has a talk with Daemon. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

As always Valyrian will be in italics.

Rhaenyra looked over the new trade agreement with the North before signing it. She had to look at all the trade deals she currently had in place and most of them would have to be renegotiated. She had separated all the ones for weapons and armor for her daughter to look over. Visenya was excellent with weapons and she was very good at negotiating trade agreements. Since she had added Westeros to her empire she would have to recruit several thousand people to replenish the shrunk army Westeros had left. She would need new knights for the kingsguard and the city watch had been decimated. There were only ten knights left from the city watch and she would have to get people quickly and have them trained.

"You started early." Rhaenyra looked up, smiling as her daughter walked into the small council chambers. "I was under the impression the meeting would not be starting for another ten minutes."

"I know but there are several things that need my immediate attention." Rhaenyra pointed to the stack of papers she had placed to her right. "Those are for you. We will need to renegotiate the trade agreement for weapons and armor. Now that Westeros is ours we will need a lot more weapons and armor."

"I will take a look at it." Visenya sat down, frowning at the document Rhaenyra had in front of her. "You are attempting to recruit more soldiers?"

"Yes, the Westerosi army barely has any soldiers left, there are only four knights left of the Kingsguard and the city watch only has ten soldiers left. Right now the unsullied and the Dothraki are the ones protecting the city, the palace, and the royal family. And more than half of our soldiers were left in New Valyria with Laenor. As of now, we are spread very thin."

"Why not replenish the city watch with people from the common folk?" Rhaenyra gave her daughter a questioning look and Visenya shrugged. "I was reading some of the rules for the members of the city watch and I find them ridiculous. The city watch does not accept anyone who does not belong to an influential house, which makes no sense. There are only a few noble houses in the entire kingdom, but there are thousands upon thousands of common folk. I believe it would be good for the economy also, you would be giving all those people gold, food, and housing. It would boost the economy throughout the kingdom and the people will love you because you are making their lives better."

"That is a great idea." Rhaenyra smiled at her daughter, she could not believe she had not thought of it before. "I will make some announcements and have them placed throughout the kingdom. But that would bring us to a new issue?"

"Who will train them?"

"Yes, like I said, our forces are spread very thin." Rhaenyra leaned back on the chair. "Would you agree to train them?"

"Of course, as long as I have some help." Visenya nodded. "I will check the lodgings for the city watch and see if any improvements are needed."

"How many people will you need to train the new recruits?"

"It depends on the number of people I will be training." Visenya thought for a moment before shrugging. "I would say five trainers per one hundred recruits. Two main trainers and three other people to check the recruits' forms and make sure they are repeating the techniques as they should. "

"I have been told Aemond is a great fighter, but since he is my new hand he will not have the time to train any of them." Rhaenyra did not want to say what she was thinking, but there was no other way. "There is another person, but I do not think you will want to work with him."

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