Chapter 3

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Thank you so much for all the comments and kudos. I was going to post this chapter tomorrow, but since I got so many requests to post it today here it is.

1 year time jump. Rhaenyra and Laenor catch up after he returns from a few months on vacation. Laenor gives Rhaenyra some news, it hits her harder than thought it would. I hope you guys like. 🥰

As always Valyrian will be in italics.

1 year later.

"Explain to me once more how you leave Westeros, renounce your inheritance, move to a new country and less than a year later become queen?" Laenor's look was incredulous as he looked between her and Joffrey. "Last time I saw you a few moons ago you returned with a whole khalasar and now you are also queen of Meereen? I was only gone for a few moons."

"Believe me, it was not my decision." Rhaenyra took a sip of her wine, rolling her eyes at her cousin and friend. She had missed Laenor this past few moons, he had been in Lys with Joffrey. "After I rescued that small girl and all those slaves, the high lords were a bit skeptical and worried that I would attempt to free their slaves also. Then another khalasar attacked the city and I defended it."

"Is that the reason you have more Dothraki warriors than when I left?" Laenor frowned.

"Yes, I killed a few of the warriors before the Khal surrendered." Laenor and Joffrey were looking at her like she had grown a second head. "After that two more Khalasars attacked the city, looking to avenge their fallen brothers. I had to defend the city several times until I got tired of it. I flew to Vaes Dothrak and asked to meet with the Khals. I told them that I had defended myself against their warriors and that the Dothraki under my command were here of their own free will. They are free to leave whenever they choose. The khals did not believe me, they were upset one of them attacked me, so Syrax burnt them all. After that, the people remaining in their city insisted on coming with me. When I arrived with so many Dothrakis the high lords of Meereen and the priestess asked me to be their queen."

"And you just accepted?" This time it was Joffrey who asked the question.

"Not at first." She had attempted to refuse. She wanted to spend time with her daughter, instead, she was stuck with a job she did not want and a large amount of responsibility. "When I graciously declined they just stopped ruling the city and any time there was even the smallest conflict they would send the people to me. After a fortnight I just accepted and implemented a few new much-needed laws."

"Well, your grace." Laenor saluted her with his wine cup. "I believe you will be a great queen. Even if you are not the queen of Westeros, you are queen here. Who would have thought?"

Rhaenyra had not been too happy when the people of Meereen insisted she be queen. But now she was happy about it. Being queen helped her not think about all the things she had lost. Her father had not spoken to her since she told him she was with child and refused to wed Laenor. He had not even wanted to meet his granddaughter and had not answered Rhaenyra's letters. Then there was Daemon, the man Rhaenyra had loved since before she knew what love was. Daemon had always been the constant in her life, the one that spoiled her and always made sure she felt loved. When Daemon had taken her to that pleasure house and kissed her she had been the happiest. Then he had made love to her, and for the first time in her life, Rhaenyra had felt truly happy. She had forgotten about all the children her mother had lost, the fact that her mother had died being cut open by Rhaenyra's father. She had forgotten about her father wedding a woman who disliked Rhaenyra and everything their house stood for. That moment had been the happiest of her entire life, then it had been followed by a hard blow.

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