Chapter 18

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We finally get to see Laena's POV and see how she thinks. Aemond and Visenya have a moment. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

3 weeks later.

Laena looked at herself in the mirror, touching her tender nose and flinching. Most of the bruises had faded, it was lucky that Visenya had not broken her nose. What made Laena the angriest was that no one had punished that cursed child. No one had come to her defense, not even her husband. Laena had known things with Daemon would change as soon as she saw Rhaenyra sitting on the iron throne. The fact that Rhaenyra had brought her bastard with her had not helped the situation.

Laena was not happy, after everything she had done to protect her marriage and it had been undone in just a few minutes. She had hidden from Daemon that Rhaenyra had been disinherited. She had known the only reason Daemon had stayed away from Rhaenyra and Visenya was so Viserys would not disinherit and exile Rhaenyra. Daemon did not want Rhaenyra to lose her father. Laena had known Viserys would never keep Rhaenyra as heir as long as she refused to wed Laenor. By the time Daemon had discovered Rhaenyra had left and had been disinherited it was too late, he was already wed to her and knew that if he left her father would turn against the Targaryens.

She had won, for years Laena had been happy to finally get something Rhaenyra wanted. The woman had always been spoiled by her parents, but especially by Daemon. Even though Rhaenyra had everything she had wanted Daemon also, she had wanted Daemon more than anything. But Laena wanted him too and she would not step aside this time. Everything had gone well, while she was aware Daemon was not fully happy, he was resigned and that was enough for them. Then Arrax had appeared and Daemon had refused to even sleep in the same chambers as her. He told her he did not see the point since they would never have children. Then he had admitted he did not want to have children with her, he did not want anything else tying them up together, the fact that they were wed was more than enough.

Now Rhaenyra and her spawn were back, and she knew there was no chance of Daemon touching her ever again. Everyone could see the way her husband looked at Rhaenyra and at his daughter. As if it had not been enough that Arrax had told everyone in the kingdom that she was jealous of Rhaenyra and that Laena would never compare, then her cousin had shown up being empress. Rhaenyra was not only empress of an impressive empire, but she had also conquered lands that had not been conquered since the Doom of Valyria. She had conquered the Dothraki and the unsullied followed her without question. Even the Westerosi lords had nothing but good things to say about Rhaenyra and Visenya. There had to be something Laena could do to make Daemon return to her.


Karnax spun through the air, his wings closing against his body as he shot up in the air. Vhagar was behind him, attempting to catch up to the younger dragon. While Karnax was slighter larger than Vhagar, he was also younger, which meant he was faster. Her dragon still had a lot of vigor and would have it for a few hundred years. Visenya had refused to chain Karnax in the dragon pit, her dragon did not fit in there anyway. Even if he had, she would have never allowed anyone to imprison him that way. The reason Karnax was so large was because he was allowed to roam free, same for Syrax, the golden dragon had grown more in the past sixteen years than ever before.

Visenya was enjoying riding her dragon once more, while she made sure to see Karnax at least once a day, she had so many duties she barely had time to breathe. Today she had left all the training to Daemon and gone for a ride. She had found Aemond and Vhagar close by and asked her uncle if he wanted to go dragon riding with her. It had been two hours and they were still chasing each other through the sky. Finally, Karnax landed on a small island between Kings Landing and Dragonstone, allowing Visenya to get down and run her hand over his scales. Vhagar landed a few feet away, lowering her head and closing her eyes as Aemond lowered himself to the ground.

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