Chapter 58

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6 month time jump. We get a look into what Viserys is thinking about everything that has happened. It is time for Visenya to give birth and things get a little scary for a few seconds. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

6 months later.

Viserys read one of the letters again and he still had trouble believing it. He had demanded to speak to Rhaenyra after what she had done to his wife and his daughter had given him copies of all the letters between his wife, Otto, and some maesters. Some letters went back years, even before Rhaenyra had left Westeros. He had been so blind and so stupid, he had lost his daughter, granddaughter, and brother because of everything Otto had said to him. Viserys had trusted Otto, he had been his closest friend, almost a brother to him. Viserys thought about what Daemon told him once after the death of Aemma. His brother had called him weak and said that the council could see it and would advantage. He had been angry at Daemon and refused to believe him. For years Otto had used him, he had used his own daughter to control him. Then Alicent had done the same thing, convincing him to disinherit his daughter.

Now he had nothing, his daughter wanted nothing to do with him, his brother even less and his granddaughter did not even see him as her family. The only thing he had was his son, Aemond did not speak much to him, but he was not as hostile as the rest of his family. His son would become a father soon and Viserys hoped Aemond would allow him to see his grandchild. Rhaenyra and Daemon did not allow him to be alone with Aegon, or to spend much time with him. Viserys had only seen his grandson a few times.

Viserys knew he would not be able to make up for everything he had done and it was too late to start acting like a father now. Even if he attempted to, his daughter had no reason to forgive him, he had not only disinherited her, but he had abandoned her and manipulated his brother into abandoning her also.

He threw down the letter and walked out of his chambers, he could not walk too well these days, but he needed some fresh air, he could not be stuck reading these letters anymore. He had read all the letters hundreds of times and he could not do it any longer. He was sitting on a bench in the hallway when his son walked past him. Aemond did not even notice him, he was looking at a document in his hands.

"Aemond." His son stopped and turned to him. Viserys saw the confusion in his eyes before Aemond moved closer to him. "I was hoping to see you."

"Why are you out here?" Aemond looked around. "Should you not be in your chambers, resting?"

"I just wanted some fresh air." Viserys smiled at his son. "I was hoping we could have supper together."

"You were?" Aemond's expression held genuine confusion. "Why?"

"Do I need a special reason to share a meal with my son?"

"Yes." Viserys was shocked for a moment, he knew why Rhaenyra was angry with him, but he did not remember ever doing anything to Aemond. His son just shook his head. "You have never invited me to have supper with you."

"Of course I have." Viserys frowned. "We have had supper together before."

"Yes, when my mother would make Aegon and me have supper with you. You never invited us, you were just there and barely spoke."

"I am sure that is not true." Viserys attempted to remember some of the conversations he had with his son, but he could not remember any of them. He did not remember saying more than two words to Aemond. "We have spoken before."

"In passing, or when you were asking me to do something." Aemond shook his head. "Most times you sent Otto or my mother to tell me whatever you wanted me to know." His son crossed his arms over his chest and gave him a questioning look. "Tell me the truth, is there something wrong? Something you need to speak to me about?"

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