Chapter 64

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We get some more of what happened at Casterly Rock and at Kings Landings. New plans are made. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

Half the castle had been destroyed, which was a shame because Casterly Rock had been a beautiful castle. Ceira Lannister had attempted to escape and then screamed and yelled, saying they had no right to attack their castle. The woman would not shut up until Visenya punched her in the face and the woman went down. Tyland Lannister had looked at her in shock like he believed she would not hit his mother. Jason Lannister had been Ceira's favorite son and Visenya knew that the woman was perfectly aware of what her darling son had been planning to do and what he had done. Visenya had no intention of forgiving any of them for betraying her family.

"How is Aegon?" Visenya asked as she approached her father.

"He will be fine." Daemon ran a hand through his hair. "He needed a few stitches and they cleaned and wrapped the wound on his head, but there will be no lasting damage."

"That is good." She was glad her brother had not been seriously injured. "Aysse has been asking about him every two minutes."

"I am glad she was not hurt." Her father adored her children, as much as he loved his own. "We have to choose what we are going to do with the Lannisters."

"We will kill them." She would not allow any of them to live, especially after what they had attempted to do. The Lannisters had shown they could not be trusted and she did not need to learn the lesson again. "We will cut off their heads and mount them outside the walls of Casterly Rock, so everyone knows what happens to traitors."

Her father grinned, liking her idea. She had known he would agree with her.

"Then let us do it soon." Daemon looked around and frowned. "I do not wish to be here longer than necessary. Your mother and husband will be worried and want to see the children."

Daemon and Visenya walked to the courtyard where all the Lannisters had been tied up and were waiting for their sentencing. They all knew what awaited them. Aysse was standing next to Vermithor, who had laid his giant head on the ground, to allow the small girl to pet him. The dragon was almost purring as Aysse ran her hands along his snout and spoke to him.

"My love," Aysse turned to her with a smile and Visenya kissed the top of her head. "We will leave soon, but first there are a few things I need to take care of. Aegon is inside, go to him and stay there until I come to get you."

Her daughter nodded and patted Vermithor one more time before heading inside. Visenya looked at the people kneeling on the ground and gave them all a smile.

"You should know that I planned on torturing all of you for several days, but I do not have the time right now and I am not waiting for a ship to get here and get you back to Kings Landing." She and her father moved closer to them. "You should thank whatever gods you worship for this since it means that you will die quickly instead of being in agony for days, maybe weeks."

"Is that what you call mercy?" Asked Tyland Lannister with a hateful look on his face.

"Yes," Visenya let out a laugh. "Believe me, my plans for you and your brother required cooking you alive, slowly over the period of several days, there was also the breaking of all your bones, plucking out your eyes, and other amusing things." The more she talked the more horrified the other people looked. "Now, instead of all of that, my father will cut off your heads so we can mount them on the walls and I will feed your bodies to our dragons."

Visenya saw Karnax's face moving closer to one of the Lannister cousins, his mouth opening as the man whimpered in terror.

"I said I would cut off their heads first." She snapped at Karnax who let out an annoyed breath and took a few steps back. She shook her head at the dragon. "You are worse than a child, you need to learn how to listen."

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