
Start from the beginning

Ariana sighed, "I just don't want to be a distraction. The last thing the team needs is more drama."

Ariana looked up, a mixture of concern and curiosity in her eyes. "What's going on, Sarah?"

Sarah took a seat, her expression serious yet supportive. "Given the recent rumors and the media attention, I think it might be best for you to sit this one tour out. We can issue a statement addressing the situation, and you can focus on taking care of yourself."

Ariana sighed, her shoulders slumping. "I don't want to seem like I'm running away from it all. The team is counting on me."

Sarah leaned forward, her voice gentle but firm. "Ariana, this is not about running away. It's about taking control of the narrative. Let's release a statement together, addressing the rumors and, if you're comfortable, sharing a bit about your journey. It's a chance to set the record straight on your terms."

Ariana hesitated, her mind conflicted. "I've always kept my personal life private. Do I really need to share these details?"

Sarah nodded, understanding the gravity of the decision. "It's a tough call, Ariana, but by being open, you regain control. You can share as much or as little as you're comfortable with, but addressing it head-on will give you the power to shape the narrative."

Ariana quickly tapped out a message to Jungkook:

Ariana: Hey Jk, we're discussing issuing a statement about recent events. It involves sharing a bit about my shit. What do you think?

A few tense moments passed before Jungkook's reply appeared:

My kookies: Love, it's your call. If you feel it's right, go for it. I'm here for you no matter what. ❤️

Ariana let out a sigh of relief, grateful for Jungkook's understanding. Turning to Sarah, she nodded with newfound determination.

"Let's do it. Let's release the statement," Ariana said, a mix of vulnerability and strength in her eyes.

Meanwhile in meeting room

In the meeting room, Jungkook retook his seat, his mind preoccupied with the text from Ariana. As the discussion continued about concert planning, his attention wavered, and he discreetly checked his phone.

Ariii: Hey Jk, we're discussing issuing a statement about recent events. It involves sharing a bit about my journey. What do you think?

He read the message, a knot forming in his stomach. Jungkook excused himself from the meeting, offering a quick explanation to his colleagues. His steps quickened as he found a quiet corner, responding to Ariana.

Jungkook: Love, it's your call. If you feel it's right, go for it. I'm here for you no matter what. ❤️

As he hit send, Jungkook couldn't shake the worry and anticipation. He wanted to be there for Ariana, to support her in whatever decision she made. Returning to the meeting, he struggled to focus, his thoughts lingering on Ariana and the challenges they faced together.

As the planning meeting rolled on, Ariana decided to join the discussion. With a bright smile, she entered the room, catching the BTS members off guard.

Jin chuckled, "Well, look who decided to crash the party. Ariana, you bring snacks next time."

Ariana laughed, "Deal! But first, let's talk concerts and music, shall we?"

As the meeting buzzed with energy, Ariana, phone in hand, sent a playful text to everyone in their group chat:

Ariana: Guess what? Time to spill the tea on those rumors. Get ready for a statement! ☕🎤

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