Epilogue Part 12: 15/06/98

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Day 44

Dear Dylan,

Sorry if this letter is depressing. I couldn't write yesterday because I was too sad. And I'm still very upset... but what's new?

Really, what is new is that Hermione is gone. Not properly gone but she's gone. To Australia. With Ginny. Apparently she Obliviated her parents to keep them safe from the war and now they're in "Australia", wherever that is. No, I know where Australia is. I mean where in Australia.

Australia's quite big, did you know? Too big, I think, because she could be gone for months.

This is her planned route:

Brisbane -> Sydney -> Canberra -> Hobart -> Melbourne -> Adelaide -> Perth.

But Australia is huge. Adelaide to Perth is a really long way - what if they're somewhere in between? In a little town somewhere? They could be in the north too. What if they're in the Outback being "drovers"? Those are people who move livestock. I got Willow to buy me a "guide to Australia" sort of book. It's big. Which makes sense because so is Australia.

It's so big.

She's going to be gone for months.

I'm not sure how Luna is all right with this.

It's not fair. I'm under house arrest and Hermione gets to go travelling and gallivanting across the world.

And I know that's also not really fair because she's not gallivanting, she's looking for her parents. But I don't know.

This is terrible.

She gave me a charmed book though. It works sort of like the bracelets we used to wear. I write in the book and she can read it in her own one and write back. It's good in theory but she's been keeping her letters short so far (it's only been 2 days but still). Willow and the others said space might be good for us but I'm not sure I agree. We were separated for practically the entire war, why must it go on?

I know it's my fault though. I'm the one who keeps starting arguments and being horrible.

I hope she finds her parents soon.

Olivia finally visited the house. She probably felt bad since Hermione abandoned me.

(I know she didn't abandon me but I can't help but feel that way anyway.)

She apologised for being mean to me at your funeral. Yes, really. What kind of person is mean to someone at their sister's funeral? A very mean person. But Olivia's not mean. She apologised. And I apologised too because I was mean too (in fact, I was mean first). She said she's not angry with me anymore, just hurt and disappointed.

That's partly why I was too sad to write yesterday. But mostly because Hermione abandoned me (no she didn't, shut up Robyn).

(Wow, talking to myself in third person. I really am away with the fairies, aren't I? Have been since you-know-what.)

(Azkaban. Bleh.)

Sorry. I just realised I'm blabbing about your funeral and I haven't even told you about it. It was nice, I promise. It was a sunny day and the druid said nice words and lots of people showed up. I didn't know you knew that many people to be honest. I wonder how many people would come to my funeral?

Anyway, because I was there, of course there was drama. Some man was taking pictures of me crying at your grave (freak) and I was so overwhelmed that I started arguments with pretty much everyone. I'm really sorry. It was supposed to be your day and I spoiled it because I can't control myself anymore.

Occlumency? Never heard of it.

Snape would be so disappointed in me now. But he's dead so what does it matter?

Your grave is right beside Fred's. George gave me your ring, the one Fred gave you. I've put it on a necklace and I haven't taken it off since. I've also been sleeping with your jumper. But I'm scared that if I keep doing that it'll stop smelling like you.

Good thing you have lots of clothes. Like, a lot. And you never let me borrow any? Y̶o̶u̶'̶r̶e̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶m̶e̶a̶n̶. Oh who am I kidding.

Crookshanks is taking the mick out of Jinx so I'll leave it here.

Song of the week in the Muggle world is C'est la Vie by B*Witched.

Love, Robyn


^ tune btw

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