Chapter Twenty-Six

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31st August 1993

Robyn had spent the majority of her summer reading, completing summer homework, shadowing her mother at luncheons, and having friends over. Mostly Astoria, of course. But when Lloyd's friends came over they would include her, too, to his dismay. That meant spending a lot of time with Theo, Blaise, and Draco. There was a lot of Quidditch playing involved. Apparently after Draco had made it on the team, the other boys wanted in on it, too. Especially Blaise and Lloyd. She knew Adrian Pucey and Miles Bletchley had finished school that June, so they had a chance, at least.

The annual Sacred Twenty-Eight Gala had come and gone, hosted by the Greengrasses, and nothing interesting had occurred. Robyn had watched guiltily as Dylan had spent the whole night attached to Gunnar. She herself had been attached to Draco. In previous years she'd usually spend most of her time with Neville, but Draco had barely let her out of his sight. He had relented, though, when she finally snapped at him. He could be surprisingly easy. So, she had danced with Theo a few times and a boy called Romulus who she realised was Annie Burke's younger brother.

She hadn't failed to notice Lloyd dancing with Astoria more than once. In fact, more than he had with Daphne. And Daphne noticed, too, for she had glared at the two of them every time. Did Lloyd do it on purpose, to give Robyn a taste of her own potion? Or did he genuinely like Astoria now?

Robyn was worried.

Another thing she hadn't failed to notice was the girls in their dresses. Daphne in her dark green ensemble and Millie in her purple one. And yes, Robyn had laughed at the thought of liking Pansy, but she indeed looked very nice in her black dress.

But did that mean she like-liked girls? Surely she could appreciate their beauty without it having any implications.

She really shouldn't have looked at Daphne so much, though. And yet her eyes had drifted to one of the older boys, Zaire Shafiq, way more than necessary.


Must have been hormones. She did start her cycle over the summer, after all.

Another thing that started over the summer was paranoia. Not so much for her personally, but wizarding Britain as a whole. That was due to the fact that mass murderer and Death Eater Sirius Black had somehow escaped Azkaban in July, and no one knew how, or where he was. There had been speculation that the man would be after Harry Potter in order to avenge the Dark Lord. And where would Harry Potter be? Hogwarts. Who else would be there? Robyn. And, like, all her friends. And siblings. Merlin, she just hoped if worst came to worst and the madman stormed the castle, he would at least leave her alone due to her name.

Now, Robyn was changing into suitable attire to go to Diagon Alley. She threw on a light blue and white tartan skirt accompanied by a tucked in white polo shirt. She then headed to the floo room to meet her siblings. This time the three of them were going unaccompanied to collect their school supplies, as apparently since Dylan had been made a Prefect they didn't need an adult. Not like their Father had exactly stuck with them last year, but whatever. She wouldn't question it.

The three of them flooed to the Leaky Cauldron one after another, with Robyn arriving last. When she stepped out Dylan dusted her off just like last year, which made her smile. But her smile dropped as she saw Granger of all people sitting at a centre table surrounded by Potter and the two youngest Gingers. Weasleys, rather. She really hoped Lloyd wouldn't say anything—

"Oi oi saveloy!" he said mockingly as he approached the table. "Get cursed by any mummies, Weasley? I know you're poor, but stealing from Egyptian tombs would really piss off the Pharaohs, I reckon."

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