Chapter 102

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"Well, Robyn, first of all, I'm glad to see you're doing better."

"Thank you, Professor Flitwick."

"Now, as you know, this meeting is to talk over any career ideas you might have, and to help you decide which subjects you should continue into the sixth and seventh years. Have you had any thoughts about what you would like to do after you leave Hogwarts?"

"No, Professor."

"None at all?"

She shook her head, "No, Professor."

He frowned, shuffling through a few pieces of parchment. "Are there particular subjects you like the most?"

"Ancient Runes, Defence, Charms..." she shrugged, bored and slightly impatient. She was supposed to meet Lloyd and Draco ten minutes ago.

"Very good," he nodded encouragingly before taking another look at the parchment. "I see here you've struggled with Transfiguration, but your marks have improved. Arithmancy is a bit wobbly. Potions is good. Defence is very good."

"I can't say I'm a huge fan of History of Magic or Herbology," she said honestly. "I like Astronomy, though."

"To each her own," he said fairly. "Now, I would have no issue allowing you in my N.E.W.T Charms class, and I'm sure Professors Snape, Slughorn, Sinistra, and Babbling would likewise be delighted to have you. With these subjects you might consider—"

"Professor?" she said suddenly, to which he raised his eyebrows. "Not to be morbid, but I'm not sure my future is even guaranteed. I think we're wasting our time here."

"I beg your pardon?" he squeaked.

"There's a war out there."

"R-Right...but there's not a war here, in school, so you ought to—"

"Even if I survive, Professor, my job will be to marry Draco Malfoy and bear his children. Can I go now?"

"Miss Rosier, surely you—"

"I'm sorry, sir."


"For today's detention, I would ask you please, Miss Rosier, to brew me one of the following two potions: the Draught of Peace, or the Dreamless Sleep Potion. If it is satisfactory, I might just let you keep it for yourself."

That was a tough choice for Robyn to make. She could do with some peace, but she could also do with some sleep. When was the last time she'd slept well, without nightmares, and woke up rested?

Too long.

Well, surely she would get some peace while she was sleeping. Two birds one stone sort of thing.

"I'll do—"

There was a knock on the door. Snape flicked it open with his wand to reveal Harry Potter.

"Ah, Potter," he said, and now Robyn understood what the cob-webbed boxes piled on one of the tables were for. They had an aura of tedious, hard, and pointless work about them.


"For this week's detention, Mr Filch has been looking for someone to clear out these old files," said Snape softly. "They are the records of other Hogwarts wrongdoers and their punishments. Where the ink has grown faint, or the cards have suffered damage from mice, we would like you to copy out the crimes and punishments afresh and, making sure that they are in alphabetical order, replace them in the boxes. You will not use magic."

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