Chapter Fifty

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CW: same as last chapter basically. also? brief mention of not eating? idk if that like needs warning or whatever but I'll say it just in case. ok cya


Robyn woke up shaking. Well, it was more like an uncontrollable shudder every few moments. She could still feel a dull ache in her bones, but even more so, her heart felt broken.

Not to be dramatic or anything. But it really did feel like that.

Because yesterday had gone from the best day to the worst. And she wouldn't be seeing Hermione anymore. And she'd lost Winnie. And, oh, she'd been tortured by her own father.

Yeah, it hurt a little. A lot.

But right now, she had no tears left to cry. Like, literally, she was dehydrated. She should probably drink more water.

That's what Hermione would say.

Hermione was wrong, though. Not about the water, but in general. Robyn had no business associating with her, never mind kissing her.

That's what her father said.

Well, he never said anything in particular about the kissing – thank Merlin. How embarrassing would that have been? Yuck.

Yes, he was merciful. He didn't embarrass her, he just reminded her that what she did was wrong, then punished her for it. Totally reasonable.


Isn't she so lucky?

She looked at the clock on her wall, which read three o'clock in the afternoon. She had really slept that long? Actually, she was exhausted. It shouldn't be a surprise.

That's when she noticed the bareness of her room. As in, empty bookshelves, empty desk, empty everything. She clambered off her bed to look under it and – nothing. There was nothing there. There was nothing anywhere.

Then, there was something. A house-elf.

"Miss Robyn is awake," commented Krankie in a cranky voice.

"Well spotted," she muttered in return, not only because she wasn't in the mood to talk, but also because her throat still hurt. However, she had to ask, "Where's my stuff gone?"

"Master says Miss Robyn must be clearing her mind. Miss Robyn is not needing any distractions. Miss Robyn will be staying in her room from now on. Krankie will be bringing food at six o'clock every evening."


Today was Tuesday the sixteenth of August. She wasn't allowed to leave her room until...

"When can I leave my room?"

"When Miss Robyn is going to Hogwarts."

...Until Hogwarts?!

What was she supposed to do all day? She'd go mad, alone with her thoughts!

Unless she got really good at 'clearing her mind'.

In fact, she probably would, since there'd be nothing else to do. Now, about the food...

"When else will you bring me food?"

"Krankie will be bringing Miss Robyn food once a day. Master says fasting will be helping Miss Robyn being disciplined."


Maybe...maybe that was right. She wasn't happy about it. But maybe he was right.

So...the food thing might be all right. But she was not looking forward to being stuck in her room for the next fifteen days...At least she had an en suite. But she liked being outside, sun or rain. In the woods with Winnie, in the sky with Lloyd, or at the beach with Hermione. Or in the water with Hermione. Or on the pier with Hermione. Or—you get the idea.

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