Chapter Fifteen

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CW: mentions of blood, death


"Your sister seems to have perfected the Scourgify Charm. Good for her," Dumbledore commented lightly as he escorted Robyn to Madam Pomfrey.

She frowned. She didn't know how that was relevant. "I'm sorry, sir?"

He patted her on the shoulder, "Well, you did have some milk in your hair. It was lucky she didn't accidentally fill your mouth with soap. That can happen, you know," he said, almost like he had experienced it himself.

"Oh," she said simply. She was embarrassed, but would make sure to thank Dylan later on.

He spoke up again a few moments later, "Good friends you seem to have made in Ravenclaw."

She wanted to scoff but held back considering she was with the Headmaster. "They're- they're not my friends..."



"Well, do they know that? They seemed quite concerned for you, Miss Rosier..." he trailed off, then added, "it was very good of them to shield you from the- ah- gossipmongers of the school. No doubt Professor Flitwick will be awarding points as we speak." She was about to reply but he kept on, "There's a stereotype that Ravenclaws backstab one another, you know. But I was glad to see that proven false today."

Backstab? She couldn't imagine Olivia or Luna backstabbing anyone ever. She doubted Lana would either, but didn't know nor care. Willow was definitely competitive, but would she backstab her? Then she remembered,

"What about the Slytherins, sir? They helped, too," she asked as they rounded a corner and passed Filch. Robyn was suddenly reminded of the strange vision. Mrs Norris...

"Good morning, Argus," Dumbledore nodded at him.

"Headmaster," the man grunted. Mrs Norris suddenly appeared between his ankles.

"Sir?" Robyn pushed.

"Right, right. The Slytherins..."

She stayed silent.

"I will inform Professor Snape of their virtuous actions."

They had arrived at the doors to the Hospital Wing now. Dumbledore cleared his throat to get her attention. She turned and was surprised by the intensity he seemed to be looking at her with. It was like he was trying to see into her soul. Then she was reminded of her Father's words at the train station...

'Whatever you do, do not look that old coot Dumbledore in the eyes...'

She quickly broke eye contact and took a deep breath.

"Well, I shall drop you here. Madam Pomfrey will sort you out," he paused. Then, "If you ever need to...have a chat over a cup of tea and a scone, my office is open. Good day, Robyn," he walked off.

What the...?


Robyn had been given the matron's very own tonic; Pomfrey's Pick-Me-Up potion, and had been shooed to her dormitory for some rest.

She lay now in her bed, staring at the ceiling, pondering.

First: should she write home?

Second: what on Earth did she See?

Her father had made it clear that she was to write home as soon as she had an episode. But they weren't exactly in contact at the moment. Besides, what would he know about what she Saw? Nothing, probably.

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