Chapter Thirty-One

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31st of October 1993

The five Ravenclaw girls were gathered in their dorm, sitting in a circle around Bonnie, who lay staring at them with big eyes. They had left the Halloween Feast early to spend time in the dorm instead. They had turned off the lanterns, meaning the room was lit only by the stars on the ceiling and a few candles scattered around the room.

"Okay, just as we practiced. Slower, warmer—"

"Softer?" Luna supplied.

"Bingo," confirmed Willow. "More like a lullaby—"

"It already is a lullaby!" Robyn snapped.

"Okay, but we want it to be more lullaby-y. Lullaby-like."

"For her," Olivia added.

Willow nodded, "For her. Ready?"

"Ready." They all placed a hand on Bonnie to stroke her lovingly.


"One, two, three—"

They began reciting in slow, hushed voices, to lull the cat to sleep, "Warm kitty, soft kitty, little ball of—"

"Uh, Girls?" Penelope called out from the door, distracting them from their chant. Her eyes were wide in alarm and she looked disturbed. "While it's great you're into, er, rituals, or whatever this is, we have to leave. Quickly, please." She backed out the room without another word.

The girls exchanged looks before bursting into laughter, making Bonnie jump up in fright and run out the open door.

"Sorry Bonnie!" Olivia called after the cat.

"My name's Penelope!"

"Merlin! She must be so confused," Willow cackled.

"Oh my Gods, nooo," Robyn covered her mouth. She didn't know if she should laugh or cry. "That's so embarrassing..."

"If you don't laugh, you'll cry," Luna said wisely.

Well, there's her answer.

So, she laughed.

"Ah, motherhood; makes you do crazy things!" Olivia got out between her giggles.

Lana wiped her eyes, "Come on, she said we have to go somewhere."

"Where? Why?" Robyn wondered.

"The sooner we leave, the sooner we find out," Lana shrugged as she made her way to the door, Willow and Luna following.

Robyn protested, "But- but I'm wearing my pyjamas!" She frowned at her unmatched outfit; a white long-sleeved top, light blue trousers which were decorated with dozens of little Nifflers, and brown slippers. Yikes.

"Let's go please, Girls!" Penelope shouted from the corridor.

"Well, your jammies are cute, so it's fine. Besides, we've all got them on. Come on," Olivia linked their arms and dragged Robyn out the door.

The entirety of Ravenclaw House was gathered in the common room. The room was filled with whispers and mutters from confused students, wondering why they had been summoned. The Feast was over, and they were all in need of naps from the abundance of food consumed.

"Listen up, Ravenclaws!" Flitwick spoke loudly from...somewhere. Robyn couldn't spot him.

Suddenly, he climbed up onto the back of one of the sofas beside the statue of Rowena Ravenclaw. "Can I have your attention, Ravenclaw!" After a couple more attempts, everyone finally looked his way. "Thank you! Goodness me. There has been an incident, so you will be spending the night in the Great Hall. Prefects, if you would, lead the way."

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