Chapter Seventy-Eight

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it's been a while so here's a 9,000 word chapter lolz


For Hermione's birthday, Robyn gave her three things.

Firstly, she gave her a drawing of Bonnie and Crookshanks at the beach. It was really cute.

(She didn't draw it, Olivia did).

Secondly, she gave her the 'R' necklace which Robyn had worn give or take every day since Lloyd gave it to her as an apology present.

(A recycled gift? Maybe. But it was meaningful).

Lastly, she kissed her thoroughly for about twenty minutes straight before Hermione had – to the dismay of both of them – breathlessly reminded her that even though she was now the legal age of consent, Robyn was not, and she would respect that.

Robyn understood...reluctantly.

Oh well. She could only hope Hermione enjoyed that part of the present. Robyn certainly had. She enjoyed the act itself, but also the aftermath; the pink dusting Hermione's cheeks, her ruffled shirt, her swollen lips. It was really a sight to see. Like...the eighth wonder of the world, or something.

Only a sight for her to see, that is. Her own personal wonder.

Basically, Hermione was really pretty.


She had also visited Winnie in the kitchens (who now knew not to accidentally pick up the odd bits of "clothing" that Hermione and Lana were leaving lying around the common rooms). Winnie enthusiastically prepared them some snacks and drinks to enjoy and it was a good night, overall.

She would've given Hermione better presents, but as per her mother's instructions, she was not allowed out to Hogsmeade. She had a feeling Dumbledore wouldn't have let her go, either, though she had barely seen the man.

But she didn't have to find out whether he would have or not as she decided to obey her mother. Thus, she stayed at Hogwarts while everyone else went and had fun in the village every Hogsmeade weekend.

Olivia and Lana in particular this weekend, as they were going on a double date with Chester and Umar, respectively.

Robyn was happy for them, honestly, especially Lana. She just hoped Umar had been able to get through to Chester, and that Chester wasn't trying to, like, indoctrinate Olivia, or something.

Because that would be...not good. Bad.

So, Robyn sat by herself out by the Black Lake reading a book in the sun, and it was really peaceful and nice. Well, until Draco showed up.



He plopped to the ground heavily beside her and avoided her gaze. Still, she caught sight of his flushed face and- teary eyes? Had he been crying?


"Are you all right?" she asked carefully. He was acting quite unlike himself. Had been since school started.

"Me? What? I'm fine," he responded in quite a high-pitched voice, then cleared his throat and tried again, "I'm fine. How are you? You haven't spent much time at the Slytherin table recently."

"No, suppose I haven't. Sorry."

"It's okay."

He kept his eyes firmly on the lake while Robyn watched him thoughtfully.

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