Chapter Twenty-Five: Prisoner of Azkaban

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Robyn landed firmly on her feet in one of the parlour rooms of Rosier Manor. Her stomach lurched, though not due to the apparition. No, her mother was sitting right there in one of the many comfy chairs in the room. She had a piece of parchment in her hand which she immediately stuffed in between the pages of a book and stood to greet them.

Krankie disappeared with their trunks as Lloyd exclaimed "Mother!" before clearing his throat and speaking again in a lower voice, "How- how are you?"

She smiled lightly, "I am well, thank you, Lloyd." She brought him into a tight hug before saying, "It's been quite odd without any children in the house," she gave a significant look to Robyn who smiled cautiously.

Mother then brought Dylan into a quick hug, too, then said, "You can tell me about your years later on. For now, I'd like a word with Robyn."

Lloyd protested, "But—"

"Now, Lloyd."

Dylan and Lloyd exchanged a look before leaving the room.

Robyn sat carefully in the chair her mother gestured to and waited for her to speak. After a few moments, she did.

"So, Ravenclaw?"

Robyn stayed silent and stared at the table.

"I saw it in you, you know, when you were younger."

"Really?" she looked up suddenly, surprised.

"Really," her mother confirmed.

Robyn spoke quietly after a moment, "I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Robyn's eyes widened as she stared down at the table again. Was this a test? "For...for disappointing you. For embarrassing the family. For not being a Slytherin."

The woman sighed, "You haven't disappointed me."

Robyn swallowed the lump in her throat, "Father, then."

Her mother pursued her lips before speaking, "Your father is...set in his ways. But he won't be angry with you forever."

Robyn wasn't so sure about that, but brought up something else. "He's punishing Dylan because of me."

"How so?"

"Because! She's officially betrothed to Gunnar now!" Robyn lost her composure.

"What's wrong with Gunnar?" her mother responded calmly.

Robyn spluttered, "He's- he's horrid! Dylan hates him!"

"Does she?"

"Yes!" Robyn said, exasperated.

"Watch your tone."

Robyn muttered an apology, cowed.

"Gunnar is a respectable boy from a Sacred Twenty-Eight family. He will treat your sister as he has been raised to. Enough on that," her mother spoke firmly.

Robyn shook her head. Her mother had clearly never seen Gunnar's behaviour when adults weren't around. But, she didn't want to push it, so she instead asked something she had been debating bringing up.

"Did...did you tell Dumbledore about my gift?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Oh. That wasn't a good response.

"Did you tell Dumbledore—"

Her mother cut her off, "No. I didn't. Explain."

Robyn hesitated. How did he know, then? Or at least, why did he pay such attention to her? She eventually said, "Well, he has a weird interest in me. He offered to chat in his office more than once, and he checked on me both times I had an episode—"

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