Chapter Fifty-Nine

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CW: Romeo and Juliet spoilers??? but like...come on. anyway related to that: mentions of suicide. just like one line or so


"Good morning, Drunkie!" Willow yelled in her face the next morning.


"It's actually afternoon—"

"Shh," Robyn interrupted Lana, not in the mood to talk to anyone.

That had been happening a lot this school year.

"Are you feeling hungover?"


"Then why do I have to shh?"

Robyn sat up in her bed to offer Willow a withering glare. "Because it's morning—"

"It's afternoon—"

"—I just woke up. And I'm annoyed. Therefore, shh, or I'll hex you."

"Not if I hex you first—"

"Willow! We'll come back later, Robyn," said Lana placatingly.

Robyn rolled her eyes, "Feel free not to," and slumped back down on her bed. She didn't go back to sleep, though. Instead, she stared up at the stars on the ceiling, thinking, as she often did, about Hermione.

What else?

Willow and Lana came back later, and they brought Luna and Olivia, too. And Bonnie. Apparently they all needed to discuss the events of the Yule Ball. And Robyn was interested, sure, but she also couldn't help but let her mind wander. Still, she listened absently to the other girls' stories, which varied from:

"We didn't find any Moon Frogs," explained Luna from where she sat at the end of the bed, "but we did find a very pretty unicorn."

"Maybe Hagrid will do a lesson on them!" Lana said hopefully.


"Gabrielle taught me some French," boasted Willow. "She told me to say 'va te faire foutre' to Madame Maxime, so I did. I'm not sure if she heard me from all the way up there, but she walked away rather quickly...Maybe I said it wrong."

Robyn sighed. "I might be mistaken, but I'm quite sure 'foutre' means fuck. Er, pardon my French...literally."




"Harry's not a great dancer, but we still looked good, didn't we? I can't say I was a fan of Ron's robes though, sorry Lana..."

"No comment."


"So, Robyn," said Willow. Robyn rolled her eyes immediately, knowing whatever was about to come from Willow's mouth would annoy her. "Considering you left before us, but we got back here before you...well, I can only assume..."


"I mean, your memory might be a bit blurry since you were proper mortal and all that..."



"I was not—"

"Did you or did you not tash on with Hermione Granger in a spare broom cupboard?" Willow said very quickly with a suggestive smile.

"Willow!" scolded Olivia. But then she turned to Robyn, too, curiously. "...Did you?"

"Did I what?"

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