Chapter Seventy-Four

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CW: discussion of grooming and shit O_O


The year was off to a good start considering the first of September was a Friday, meaning they still had two days until classes.

On Saturday morning, Lana had an offer for her.

"Hi Robyn," she said, taking a seat on Robyn's bed.

"Hi Lana."

"So, I know makeup isn't a massive thing in the wizarding world, for whatever reason."

"Yes," Robyn agreed, "though some people use it more than others."

"Right. Anyway, I bring some with me in case of emergency. And I think we have an emergency on our hands," said Lana seriously.

Robyn raised her eyebrows expectantly. "We do?"

"If you don't get that," Lana pointed to Robyn's eye, "covered up, people will think you still have Splattergrit."

Robyn grinned. "Spattergroit?"

"Yeah, that. So, concealer?"

"Thank you, Lana, you're a lifesaver," she said genuinely, not wanting people to think she was diseased.

As Lana put it on for her, she thought – not for the first time – that Muggle inventions were great, and so were Muggle-borns.

On Monday morning she proudly pinned her Griffin brooch to her school robe and walked to breakfast with Olivia.

As the two of them crossed the Entrance Hall, they slotted in behind the Golden Trio who had just descended the stairs. Hermione was speaking loudly about House unity.

"If that means we're supposed to get matey with the Slytherins – fat chance," snorted Ron.

Robyn decided to chime in with, "What's wrong with Slytherins?"

"Bloody hell!" exclaimed Ron, turning around to walk backwards. "Don't sneak up on me like that. I could take points, you know."

"Aw, did the mean little girl scare you?" snickered Robyn, feeling a sense of déjà vu as Hermione moved to walk beside her, but also to flick her on the arm.

"Hi," said Harry, taking their attention. He was a bit awkward.

Robyn exchanged a look with Olivia before they responded, "Hi," at the same time. She couldn't tell which one of them Harry was looking at, but he was definitely looking.

"Anyway," scoffed Ron, "the problem with Slytherins is that they're Slytherins."

"Rude. I know plenty of great Slytherins."

"Well, I know plenty of not-great Slytherins."

She shook her head and moved to walk past the annoying ginger, but Hermione grabbed her arm before she could. While the other three continued into the Great Hall, Hermione pulled Robyn to stand slightly off to the side.

"Make it quick, 'Mione," she said, feeling on edge already as anyone could be coming for breakfast at this time.

"Right, right. I just wondered if Fred and George finished that paste for you," said Hermione, lifting her hand to touch Robyn's eye which she blocked.

"Oh, no, Lana gave me concealer! Is it convincing?" she asked, fluttering her eyelashes.

"Yes, it is," nodded Hermione with a gentle smile, "you're good. You look good. Thank you, Lana."

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