Chapter Twenty-Nine

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CW: allusions to violence. also puns


The next day, Friday, was the day of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team tryouts. And of course, it was all Willow talked about throughout classes. But she wasn't the only one; both Chester and Finley were trying out, too, the former for a Chaser position and the latter for Keeper.

The only class she hadn't been harassed with Quidditch talk was Charms, where she had been seated in between Luna and Ginny Weasley due to the seating plan Flitwick had imposed upon them. Really, Weasley again?

She had still been harassed, though, as Weasley spent the whole lesson trying to talk to Luna in front of Robyn's face. It was annoying. She could barely concentrate. Luna had certainly failed to mention that the two of them were friends. She figured she'd either have to join in on their conversations eventually or risk getting so irritated she'd hex the Weasley girl.

That day after they'd finished classes, Olivia forced her to follow Bonnie around the corridors with her. Robyn absently thought, like Willow said, that she wasn't off to a very good start at avoiding the Ravenclaws this year.

The two of them weren't making much progress with Bonnie as she kept trying to rub up against Robyn's ankles rather than actually go anywhere.

"Wow," Olivia commented, "she may be our pet, but I think she's your familiar!"

Robyn picked up the cat with a grin, "I can't help it that I'm popular. Like I said, she has taste. Don't you, Bonbon? Yes, you do!" she held the cat up to her face who meowed in response. She rubbed their noses together while Olivia watched, smiling. Bonnie meowed again. "She agrees!" Robyn laughed. "Now, are you going to take us to Crookshanks or not?"


"I'll take that as a yes," Robyn set Bonnie down and followed after the cat who, surprisingly, started walking. "Come on, Liv!" she called.

Bonnie ended up leading them towards Gryffindor common room, which didn't bode well in Robyn's opinion.

"So, his owner's a Gryffindor," Olivia deduced as Bonnie pawed at the entrance.

"Great, fantastic," Robyn said sarcastically.

"Better than a Slytherin," Olivia seemed to forget who she was talking to for a moment. "Er, no offence."

"Whatever," Robyn rolled her eyes but was distracted as Bonnie suddenly ran down the corridor chasing a rat that was squeaking loudly.

"Poor rat," Olivia frowned as the two of them watched the cat sprint round the corner.

"Pfft, natural selection," Robyn shrugged. She didn't find rats cute, and the one Bonnie had just chased looked particularly mangy.

"That could be someone's pet!"

"Or, it could be a wild, dirty rat who wants to steal your food."

"It wouldn't be stealing. If it's hungry, I'd give it food," Olivia spoke haughtily.

"Well, Bonnie's hungry, so I'm giving her food. Bon appétit, Bonnie!" she yelled to the cat she couldn't even see.

"No!" someone yelled angrily.

Robyn and Olivia exchanged a surprised look before hurrying towards the voice. As they turned the corner they saw Ron Weasley seething with his wand pointed at Bonnie, Granger looking angry, too, and Potter looking mildly alarmed.

Robyn, acting on instinct rather than thought as she usually would, whipped out her wand and cast Rictusempra making Weasley sink to his knees, overcome with giggles. He dropped both his wand and the ugly rat he must have picked up, who scampered off. Bonnie probably would have chased after it again, if it weren't for Olivia scooping her up securely.

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