Chapter Thirty-Seven

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look how cute

CW: slight blood & injury


16th of April 1994

After a non-relaxing-due-to-studying Easter holidays, it was finally time for the much-anticipated Gryffindor against Slytherin Quidditch match. The entire castle was abuzz with nervous energy as this match determined who would win the cup.

And of course the Gryffindor/Slytherin rivalry was as heated as ever.

Robyn was honestly fine with being an outsider in this instance. She wasn't sure she could take the jibes from Gryffindors without hexing them silly if she were a Slytherin. Or vice versa (ew).

She sat with the Slytherins wearing a forest green jumper to show her solidarity. Draco, Lloyd, and Blaise were all jittery with nerves as Marcus Flint tried to force them to eat, but Lloyd argued he would throw up while flying, and no one wanted to see that. She was inclined to agree.

The Gryffindor team walked into the Great Hall and, naturally, everyone cheered.

"Bloody Gryffindors!" Pansy said passionately. "Just because Potter's got a special broom—"

"Shut up, Pansy," Draco commanded. He looked a sickly kind of pale. Robyn almost felt concerned he would pass out.

"You need more sun," she said casually. "You look like a vampire." He looked to her with narrowed eyes but said nothing.

"Draco-ula!" Astoria nodded confidently.


"Yeah- yeah. It was a pun..."

"Shut up," Daphne snapped

"You shut up!"

And so they began their usual squabbling.

Draco groaned into his hands, "Make them stop, Lloyd."

Lloyd rolled his eyes dramatically before snapping, "Greengrasses, stop." Both girls turned to him quickly, which made them turn to each other again with matching glares.

Robyn didn't like that.

She made eye contact with Blaise across the table who raised his eyebrows several times.

"If you're going to be all shrill and annoying, go do it elsewhere," Lloyd continued in a bored voice. Rude. Robyn sipped her glass of water bitterly.

Daphne scoffed, "Fine, you prick. Come along." She dragged her sister away with a huff. Lloyd stared after them emotionlessly. Robyn was struggling to understand if Daphne was more pissed off at Astoria or Lloyd. Or both?

Yes, that was all a bit strange.

"Sooo," Blaise started, "is the grass really greener on the other side?"

"I don't even know what that means," Lloyd frowned and didn't answer the question which seemed loaded. Robyn herself couldn't quite grasp the meaning behind it but there was definitely something. That, or, Blaise was just trying to rile him up.

"Let's go, Lads!" Flint announced with a clap. The Slytherin table erupted into applause and hoots as the Quidditch members stood to leave, resulting in the rest of the hall looking their way. Before he left, Draco leant down and kissed Robyn square on the mouth, taking her by surprise. She let it happen, but she was embarrassed. Everyone was looking; her sister, the Ravenclaws, teachers, Granger—

No, scratch the last one. She didn't care about that one.

"For luck," Draco grinned and walked away. She watched him silently then immediately struck up a conversation with Millie and Theo, the safest options, in an effort to seem causal. She briefly made eye contact with Violet a few seats away who was glaring at her heatedly. Okay, weird, but not a pressing issue.

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