Chapter Forty-Eight

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Day Seven

"Remember how I told you a few days ago about a special activity I had planned?" asked Hermione as they sat on a bench on the pier.

"Yes..." answered Robyn sceptically.

Hermione moved her bag onto her lap and took something out. It was a cube...thing, with writing on it. 'The Button', it said. "We'll be doing a photo scavenger hunt!"

Robyn took the cube – well, camera, from Hermione and examined it. They had wizarding cameras, of course, but she'd never seen one up close. Except, Hermione explained that this was a Muggle camera. That made it even more fascinating.

"A photo scavenger hunt?" she repeated, still inspecting the camera.

"Yes! It was my idea, but Grandma made the list for us. And that's Grandpa's old camera from the eighties, he said we can use it. He's not as mad as Grandma, by the way. I hope you meet him. Anyway, a photo scavenger hunt involves a list of fun things we have to take pictures of. I haven't actually read it yet. Let's have a look..." She took out a piece of paper from her bag and held it so they could read it together.

"Well, this is interesting," Robyn said with a smile as she looked to Hermione. "You'll have to thank your mad grandmother and not-mad grandfather for me."

Hermione had frozen, though. She was staring at the list with wide eyes. Robyn carefully nudged her, not seeing what the issue was.

"R-Right," Hermione said shakily, then muttered, "Bloody Grandma...."


"What? Nothing. You want to do it?"

"Very much so."

"Shall we, then?"

"We shall."


F is for First met...

Well, they first met on the train, didn't they? Or did that time in Flourish and Blotts count? They hadn't spoken to each other. Just stared.

Wow...they'd come a long way since then.

Either way, neither of those places were accessible. And so, they made their merry way to Sapphic Alley. Specifically, Martha's Musicorum. Oh, but that reminds her...

"I looked up the meaning of sapphic, by the way," Robyn commented casually as they walked under the archway to the wizarding world.

Hermione coughed in surprise. "Oh, you did? Good for you."

"It means women who are attracted to women—"

"I'm aware."

"...Right. And I get it now, it comes from Sappho, from Ancient Greece – like you said. She was from the island of Lesbos—"

"I know, Robyn."

Well! Robyn thought Hermione would be interested in some sort of discussion. She was very academic, after all. But apparently not.


Hermione sighed and continued leading her towards the music shop without a word. She did give Robyn's hand a squeeze, though.

They entered the shop to the sound of a lute. Who they guessed was Martha was sitting comfortably in an armchair singing to another woman while playing the aforementioned lute. How sapphic of them. The tune was very soft – one could probably fall asleep to it.

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