Chapter Ninety-One

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Robyn was out for days.

When she woke up, Bellatrix Lestrange was standing over her.

(She couldn't think of a worse sight to wake up to).

"There she is!" Bellatrix squealed, clapping her hands and jumping slightly. "Show us your us your arm..."

Robyn sat up slowly, still in a daze. She felt her arm get tugged away from her, and then she realised that it hurt. It was heavy. She could barely lift it herself.

And then she realised why.

She didn't want to see it, but forced herself to look. And there it was – the Dark Mark. It marred her arm a disease. It was horrible. And it was there forever.

She was a Death Eater.

She – Robyn, who was afraid of cars and amazed by washing machines, who loved the beach and 'The Lion King' and Fleetwood Mac and ABBA – was a Death Eater.

She was a Death Eater!

Whether or not she wanted to be one, she was one.

It was...unfathomable.

It was true.

She couldn't cry. She was numb.

"I took that horrible bracelet off you, by the way. Not sure why your mother let you out the house with it. Or is that the fashion these days? Well—" Bellatrix continued rattling on, but Robyn stopped listening. She lifted her head, processing the woman's words.

The bracelet. The bracelet from Hermione that they used to talk to each other. Bellatrix...took it off her.

Shit. That was not good. For many reasons.

She couldn't cry. She was numb.


Her father entered the room abruptly, interrupting Bellatrix, who curled her lip with what Robyn guessed was a joking snarl.

"You're awake," he stated, coming over to stand stiffly by her bedside.

"Fabulous observation—" Bellatrix started.

"Not now, Bellatrix. It is almost time."

"Oooh, goody—!"

"Your school stuff has arrived," he added, gesturing to the corner of the room. There lay her trunk and on top of it was...

A kitten.

Jinx, who she was supposed to co-parent with Lana. He was already much bigger than when he was born, though his fur was just as black and shiny. It reminded Robyn of Lana's hair. And Lana was – kind of – his namesake. She was good at jinxes, ergo, Jinx.

Robyn could not cry. She was numb.

"What happened to your face?"

She blinked, taken aback by the sudden question from her father.

No 'how are you after being passed out for days?', or better yet, 'how are you after torturing and killing someone?' or even, 'I'm sorry for bringing you here'?


"Yes, what did happen to your face?" Bellatrix added unhelpfully.

"I got cursed by a Gryffindor," she answered truthfully. Her voice was scratchy as she hadn't spoken for days and had only just woken up.

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