Chapter Fifty-Eight

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Finally, the day of the Ball arrived.

Of course, it was also Yule.

So, presents, and...blah blah blah.

More importantly: the Ball, which would start at eight o'clock.

Robyn didn't need very long to get ready. She had heard tales of Muggles taking hours and hours with hair and makeup and so on, but she had magic. She didn't need hours.

Well, she had never had to do this stuff on her own, so she convinced Winnie to come up to her dorm to help her out, which led to Winnie helping all of the Ravenclaw girls, who were very excited to meet her. They seemed to forget about S.P.E.W. for a while, even Lana, who had helped Hermione found the organisation.

Oh well. It's not like Hermione was around to scold them.

Finally, they were ready. Robyn honestly hadn't had much done. For one, she left her hair alone for the most part, falling in waves down her back with a little bit of Sleekeazy to make it appear sleeker than usual. The top of her head boasted a small crown made of silver stars.

Her dress was made of mostly tulle and was such a light shade of blue that it almost appeared silver. It had small off the shoulder sleeves, and several stars embroidered on the corset and top of the skirt.

It had a celestial feel to it, and it was stunning. She'd have to remember to thank her mother.

Winnie had cried several times throughout the process, claiming she was 'so proud' of 'her beautiful Miss Robby'. That made Robyn almost cry, too, but she didn't want to ruin her makeup.

Then, Winnie had made sure her makeup wouldn't be ruined by casting a charm of some sort.

"You look like stars in the daytime," said Luna from her comfortable position on the floor.

Robyn laughed lightly. "Thank you...I think."

And it was time to go.

As promised, Potter stood obediently outside the Ravenclaw entrance for Olivia, and he had taken Weasley along with him. Funnily enough, on the other side of the corridor was Draco.

It seemed that, for tonight at least, they were bearing no malice towards one another as they were all too focused on other things.

Olivia and Lana went to Potter and Weasley. Robyn went to Draco.

Draco bowed low and placed a light kiss on her hand. She noticed the two Gryffindor boys watching with smirks which made her roll her eyes. At least Draco was a gentleman.

"You look heavenly, Robyn. Truly...exquisite."

"Why, thank you, Draco. You're looking rather dashing yourself."

"I'd be dashing away if I were her," whispered Weasley theatrically loudly to the others.

Draco scoffed, "At least I know how to treat a lady, and my robes haven't come straight out of eighteen ninety—!"

Well, there was the malice.

"Draco," said Robyn, tugging on his sleeve, "leave him and his robes alone."

Draco rolled his eyes. "Whatever. You'd better hope, Weasley, that if Potter miraculously wins this tournament, he'll buy you some new ones that don't look like a mouldy old carpet. We'll be going now." With that, he flounced away, taking Robyn with him. She offered a meek wave to Olivia, Lana, Potter, and Weasley right before she turned the corner out of sight.

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