Chapter Thirty-Two

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27th of November 1993

"We should come up with a name for this," Olivia said quietly as she, Robyn, and Luna sat on a bench in the Gryffindor corridor trying to look as inconspicuous as possible while they kept an eye out for Crookshanks and/or his owner.

"What are you on about?" Robyn frowned and lowered her copy of The Quibbler from her face.

"You know, this. Spying. Our little stakeouts. Like, we have 'Operation: Rehabilitate Rosie'." (Yes, Willow had made the executive decision to shorten the name). Robyn shook her head. "So we could make a name for this, too," Olivia continued from behind her own copy of The Quibbler.

"What about 'Pussy Patrol'?" Luna suggested. Robyn smacked her magazine to her face to hide her laugh.

Olivia hesitated, "That's...That's along the right lines, Luna. But I think we need something different. Like, 'Operation: Find Crookshanks' but better. I can't think of a word beginning with C that would fit," she huffed.

"Codswallop, cockatrice, caterwauling, chin wag—"

Olivia interrupted Luna, "Not just random words beginning with C. It has to make sense."

Luna hummed thoughtfully, "What about 'Bring Brookshanks Back'?"

Olivia scrunched up her face, "I don't doesn't quite have a ring to it."

"I say, 'Operation: Who the Bloody Hell is Crookshanks' Owner and Why Are They So Evasive? Seriously, We've Been Doing This Since the Start of Blooming September'," Robyn complained.

"I think that's a bit long...but good suggestion," Luna encouraged with a serious nod.

"Luna?" someone asked from their left. Whoops, busted. "What's all this, then?" Ginny Weasley moved in front of them, accompanied by Granger. "You look a bit...suspicious. Hiding behind magazines outside our common room."

Granger frowned, "Yes, as a matter of fact, this is the second time I've found you lot up here. What gives?"

"We're looking for Crookshanks, of course," Luna said plainly.

"Luna!" Robyn scolded.

"Wait!" Olivia exclaimed. "We could just ask them!" she gestured to the girls who exchanged a look.

"You're looking for...Crookshanks? Why?" Granger laughed.

"Ugh, because—"

Olivia interrupted Robyn, "Because we have his girlfriend. And we need to see their reunion! So, who is Crookshanks' owner? Please and thank you."

Granger held up her hand, "Hold on, 'his girlfriend? Wait, is it Bonnie? Your cat?"


"Oh, deary me," Granger laughed. Weasley just looked confused. "Crookshanks is mine!"

"...You're joking," Robyn deadpanned, because...seriously? Granger never told her!

"I've definitely told you."

"No, you haven't."

"Yes, I have."

"No, you haven't."

"Yes, I—"

"What does it matter? Mission complete, we found her!" Olivia grinned.

"'Pussy Patrol' was a success," Luna nodded happily. Weasley gasped a laugh while Granger scrunched up her face.

"Only took us three months," Robyn mumbled.

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