Chapter Seventy-Five

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"Tell me you saw through Umbridge's speech on the first day back."

"I didn't listen, it was boring."

"Boring though it may have been, it was also telling."

"Yes, telling of how boring she is."

"Robyn! Take it seriously!"

Robyn groaned and threw her hands to her face, blocking her view of the stars above the Astronomy Tower. She was lying with her head in Hermione's lap while the older girl spoke passionately about the newfound enemy, Dolores Umbridge.

Robyn didn't want to talk about Dolores Umbridge.

Dolores Umbridge was, already, a touchy subject for her.

"Give me a rundown of her speech, then," sighed Robyn as Hermione moved her hands away from her face.

"She's dangerous," started Hermione.

'No need to tell me that,' thought Robyn, shutting her eyes to listen.

"She is, quite literally, walking propaganda, courtesy of the ministry. She's here to control us, to quash anyone who might go against Fudge. And it won't be difficult; a lot of people already don't believe Harry. Lavender, for example, is being a right old cow about it. And don't get Harry started on Seamus."

"Hmm...Well, the papers haven't been kind to him," agreed Robyn lightly.

"Maybe- if you could just say something...back him up like you said you would..."

"I said I'd support him."


"And, I support him," she deadpanned, keeping her eyes shut stubbornly, though she could tell Hermione was staring down at her expectantly.

"But you don't want to say anything," Hermione surmised fairly quickly.

She opened her eyes, and her intuition was right. Hermione was staring down at her expectantly.

She didn't know what to say, so Hermione continued, "Why?" It was careful, not quite angry, not quite accusing.

But Robyn knew this could turn south fast. She, too, had to respond carefully.

"It's dangerous," she said in a quiet voice, directing her gaze to the stars in the sky instead of Hermione's eyes.

But Hermione cupped her cheek to make eye contact again. Usually, Robyn would like it. Now? Not so much. Not while having a conversation such as this.


"I don't want a target on my back," Robyn said plainly.

Hermione blinked. "Harry's had a target on his back his whole life."

"Not by choice."

"Your point?"

Robyn sat up from Hermione's lap so they could talk properly. Hermione wrapped an arm around her waist to support her as they remained in a perpendicular position.

"I don't want to willingly put myself out there, in the public eye, or onto...certain people's radar."

Hermione frowned in incomprehension. "'re already in the public eye, on people's radar, whatever. You were as soon as you appeared with Harry and Cedric."

"You don't understand."

"I want to, though. I really do."

Robyn groaned childishly again and bumped her head onto Hermione's shoulder like a cat might.

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