Chapter Twenty-One

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14th February 1993

The Ravenclaw girls had been quiet since Lana's petrification.

Robyn herself had had somewhat of an epiphany. Well, she had been on the verge of it since she had allowed herself to cultivate her interest in the Muggle world. But Lana's petrification had really solidified the fact that she cared about the girl. The girl who at the beginning of the year she had cold-heartedly called a Mudblood without a second thought.

The fact, too, that it had happened right under her nose, made her feel guilty. Maybe if she had done something different...

"I shouldn't have left her alone," she had lamented to the other girls the very night it happened.

"It's not as if you could've taken her into the toilet with you, Rob," Olivia had reasoned with her. "It's not your fault."

Even though they knew Lana would come back since the Mandrakes were maturing steadily, they were still down a member, and it felt wrong. Lana could be quiet sometimes, but she was a constant reassuring presence.

Robyn was sad.

They all were.

For Luna's birthday, the thirteenth, they had gone for a walk round the Black Lake. It was a much calmer affair compared to Robyn's birthday, but Luna understood. She always understood.

Robyn had gifted her a set of several dangly earrings. The pack included rainbows, silver stars, crystal balls, and bird feathers, to name a few.

Dylan had bought them for her on her behalf, of course. The girl had warned that she would start charging interest if she kept having to buy presents for Robyn. Robyn hoped she was just joking, considering she had almost run out of the money her parents had given her at the start of the year and Olivia and Astoria's birthdays had yet to pass. Luckily, Willow and Lana both had August birthdays.


The morning of Valentine's Day she decided to try another Chinese Fortune Stick, just for fun. Not that the last one had been fun, but it reminded her of Lana, in a good way.

So, she began the ritual but decided to ask a lighter question this time.

'Will I receive any valentines today?'

A stick with the number seven fell out. She quickly turned to the corresponding page which read, 'A gift of a flower will soon be made to you.'


She was starting to think this stuff was real. Well, not that she didn't think so before, but she had brushed it off. But this answer definitely made sense with regards to the question she had asked. Very interesting.

She hummed and began her morning routine. As it was the weekend, she threw a dark brown pinafore on top of a beige shirt.

Robyn found herself walking in between Chester Davies and Umar Rizwan to breakfast that morning. She felt a little smug since they were both fanciable boys and it was Valentine's Day, after all. Chester had even presented her with a quaint card signed with an 'x' which made her smile.

And, as they approached the entrance to the Great Hall, another joined them: Blaise. So, she was being escorted by not one, not two, but three good-looking boys.

She could get used to this.

As the four of them walked into the hall, Robyn noticed the walls were covered with pink flowers, and there was heart-shaped confetti floating from the ceiling. Well, that was new.

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