Chapter Eighty-Seven

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"Guys! Good news!" said Olivia hurtling towards the sofas the girls were revising on. Well, Willow and Lana were revising, Robyn was doing so half-heartedly, and Luna was reading The Quibbler upside down as she often did.

Lana peered over her notes. "What, did Chester smile at you?"

"No! Well...yeah. But no."

"Does it involve Umbridge and, I don't know, falling down the stairs?" Robyn said hopefully.

"Sadly not."

"Does it involve exams?" Willow said shortly.


"Then shh."

"No! Listen, Bonnie's pregnant!"

Robyn, who hadn't been very absorbed in her notes in the first place, set them aside. "Bonnie, as in Bonnie the cat?"

"No, Bonnie as in your mum. Yes, Bonnie the cat...erm, half-Kneazle."

"Well. We're never going to see Crookshanks again," Willow joked.

Olivia scoffed, and Robyn realised she wasn't the only one with daddy issues.


She frowned. Bonnie was, like, always in their dorm. Sleeping. On their beds... "How did that even happen?"

"When a boy cat and a girl cat love each other..." Willow joked again.

Robyn rolled her eyes. "Shut up. I just mean...well, as long as it wasn't on my bed, then great." In her mind, she was kind of annoyed that Bonnie had got some before she did. "What are you going to do with the kittens?"

"Well!" Olivia beamed, clapping her hands. "I thought we might...keep them!"

And that was how Robyn was roped into motherhood...again.

Anyway, Hermione was right when she said Fred and George were looking to get themselves expelled. They were really upping their game when it came to pranks and tricks and general tomfoolery and it was greatly entertaining but Robyn was worried they would really be expelled, especially since Graham Montague had been really quite damaged by the Vanishing Cabinet fiasco. Indeed, they were lucky he was in such a disorientated state that he couldn't seem to remember just how he'd landed himself in the cabinet. Apparently, he just kept repeating "Borgin...Burkes...Hogwarts..." mindlessly.

Still, she helped them out every chance she got, taking advantage of her position as an Inquisitorial Squad member. As she thought, it was really quite useful to have the inside scoop on things. She almost always knew where Umbridge was, where she was heading, and what she was up to.

Of course, she couldn't quite help the twins when they were caught turning a corridor into a swamp. However, they didn't seem to mind, considering the fact they summoned their brooms and left, just like that.

Even with the twins gone, people continued to rebel – perhaps even more so. A Defence lesson wouldn't be a Defence lesson without multiple people vomiting, fainting, bleeding, or all of the above thanks to the twins' famous (or infamous) Skiving Snackboxes.

The ensuing chaos was their legacy, and it was beautiful.

Although Robyn never actually took points from people, she was still viewed as the "enemy" by a lot of the school just for being part of the Inquisitorial Squad. Many Dumbledore's Army members called her a traitor for supposedly switching sides, and that was without knowing that she – kind of? – did expose them – in a way.

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