Epilogue Part 6: 24/05/98

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Dear Dylan,

It's been 22 days since I last saw you.

I can't believe it: I missed Eurovision. It was in Birmingham (odd choice), and I was locked away in Azkaban! I'm very upset. Who knows when it will be in the UK again? It could be years. Though I don't see why we shouldn't win it again soon, who doesn't love the UK?

Hermione read that and laughed and I'm not sure why.

She said I look cute when I'm confused, and also that no one likes us. I'm not sure why. What did us Brits ever do to anyone?

Now she's laughing even more. I think I'm going to go write this letter somewhere else. Then I might pick up a history book and find out what all the fuss is about. Actually, I'm sure Hermione will bring me a whole library. She's been bringing me Muggle newspapers and magazines as well as the wizarding ones so I can keep up with "current events". For example, Rita Skeeter is trying to start up a new newspaper/tabloid she's calling "The Moon". In the Muggle world, the number 1 song right now is "Under the Bridge/Lady Marmalade" by All Saints. No, I don't know who they are either. Hermione says they're a girl band and it's an all right song.

Well, the only girl band for me is the Spice Girls!

All right, I suppose I should get on to actual pressing matters now.

The trials.

I didn't have to do my community service this week because I spent practically the whole time in court instead because I had to give testimonies. Monday was Draco's trial, Tuesday was Mrs Malfoy's, and Wednesday was Mr Malfoy's. Thursday was Gunnar's (he really hates me now) and a few other Death Eaters' you don't care about. Friday I had the day off, and Molly Weasley came to visit. She brought meals and tried to clean around the house but I told her it wasn't necessary as I have Winnie home for the summer plus the other elves. We talked for a long time. She asked if she could visit me every week and I said yes.

Anyway, I was right: Draco got off with basically a slap on the wrist. He's going to join me in helping to rebuild and clean up parts of Hogwarts (without magic) and he's under house arrest until school too. Then he's being made to redo his final year. I think a lot of the year above will be returning to redo it. They'll be eighth years. Hogwarts will be very busy.

He had his memories shown for the whole world to watch too. It was weird seeing myself from his point of view.

Anyway, Mrs Malfoy is in pretty much the same boat. House arrest, though no community service. Apparently she told t̶h̶e̶ D̶a̶r̶k̶ L̶o̶r̶d̶ Voldemort that Harry was dead even though she knew he wasn't. Plus, she was never a Death Eater and she didn't really actively do anything. So there.

To my and many others' surprise, Mr Malfoy is getting off more or less scot-free as well. Apparently he's been helping track down other Death Eaters so that'll be why. Good for him I suppose. Not that he deserves it. Draco told me Mr Malfoy told him that he wants to repair their relationship. I'm not sure I see that happening any time soon.

Lloyd's trial is tomorrow. I'm quite terrified actually. Harry spoke for me but that's because I saved him and all that. He has no reason to speak for Lloyd. And the only reason Hermione has been helping build Lloyd's defence is because I asked her to. She's absolutely exhausted though. To be honest, I hardly see her because she's been spending so much time at the Ministry. Then she comes back in the evening, hardly talks, then has nightmares all night. I was just lucky to catch her in a good mood this evening. I'm not sure how much longer she'll be able to go on like this.

Well, when Lloyd's trial is over I think she should take a much-needed break. But she has to keep Lloyd out of Azkaban first. She has to. Or I don't know what I'll do.

And before you say anything, I know I'm putting a lot of pressure on her. But it's not like I can do anything myself. And this is Lloyd we're talking about. I can't just sit by and let him rot in Azkaban. And yet I have to. I'm stuck at home, alone more often than not. It's like Azkaban here too but the lights are on. And also I'm not hallucinating. I only see my Azkaban "friends" in my nightmares now - mostly the Wall People, sometimes Bellatrix.

Sometimes Father.

Sometimes you.

I can hear Hermione going up to bed now. Early night. She has a big day tomorrow after all. She has to keep Lloyd out of Azkaban. Or I don't know what I'll do.

I'm going to join her. We don't exactly know where we stand with one another but we still kiss each other goodnight and I don't want to miss it. I'll talk to you next week.

Love, Robyn


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