Chapter Fourteen

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31st of October 1992

Robyn had felt absolutely fine.

And then she fainted.

She'd managed almost two months with no incidents whatsoever. Fainting related incidents, that is.

There had been plenty of Transfiguration related incidents. In other words, being scolded by McGonagall for chatting to Astoria. And, as all good things must come to an end, McGonagall had forced her to swap seats with an annoying boy in her House called Finley McLaggen. Well, she was just glad she ended up next to Chester Davies instead of next to Finley himself. Poor Astoria.

Even though she was concentrating in the class now (or at least concentrating more than before, Chester was a funny bloke, after all), she still couldn't seem to get a grasp of Transfiguration. McGonagall was threatening her with a tutor if she didn't get her act together. That would be embarrassing.

Another incident, or rather, ongoing incident, was the fact that she and her siblings had received a grand total of zero letters from home. It had been almost two whole months. She knew for a fact this was unusual as in previous years her mother had always allowed her to scribble little questions to her Hogwarts-attending siblings on the main letter she would send once a week, consistently.

But now their parents were maintaining radio silence.

Not a good sign.

Or maybe no news is good news?


The third incident, another ongoing one, was the fact that her dormmates were consistent with their lifeys which occurred once a week – usually Saturday. She had yet to take part.

Finally, one last strange incident had happened near the beginning of October when she had bumped into Granger while on the way to Magical Theory. Well, they hadn't really bumped into each other. Rather, they were going in the same direction and Granger had confronted her. It went something like this:

She heard footsteps behind her but didn't care to turn around. If it were someone important they'd let her know.


Was that—

"Granger?" the girl was at her side now.

'She's not important,' Robyn thought.

They were silent as they walked for a few moments. Granger seemed to be mustering up the courage to say something. Or do something. Robyn was simply confused as to why the girl was there at all. Granger kept silent, though.

"Er, did you need something?" Robyn finally cracked.


"Then why are you walking with—"

"I'm not."

Had the Gryffindor lost the plot?

She decided to go with, "Stop interrupting me,"

"Shut up."

"Okay, what? Don't talk to me like that. What's your issue?" Robyn snapped at the inflamed girl.

"My issue is you! I thought we were friends."

They had stopped, just like last time, to face each other. But it was different now. Tense.

Robyn laughed, "What are you on about? Since when?"

Granger exploded. "Since we talked! Multiple times! We talked about philosophy, for goodness' sake. I've never talked about that with Harry or Ron!"

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