Chapter 20: Mad Jackman

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Chapter 20:

Groaning as his heavy eyes open, Spein-El’s gold eyes stare up at the white ceiling that has little star stickers that glow in the dark, a little symbol of a childish past. They still glow a faint green as little light creeps under the long red curtains of a single window, and from between them a light breaks through them in the most annoying line into his eyes. He lifts his left arm over his face and his hand drops on her silky hair. Laying in an overly comfortable bed, Spein-El relaxes with the weight of Mil leaning on his right side, allowing her to sleep until her alarm goes off.

Just waiting… and waiting… and waiting… Okay, that’s enough waiting. Grabbing his new scroll from under the pillow he checks out the time, an hour past the alarm. Dropping his arm, he sighs and shakes Mil’s shoulder slowly. Sitting up as she stays out like a log, he shakes out his hair from its flatness and waves back the wild mullet he’s grown out, the hair reaching as low as his shoulder blades. Across his entire body stripes run through his skin, while his left arm is still just having an outline of stripes, yet under the wrist is a tattoo of a web with a small spider in it just over the radial artery. Leaving the bed he dresses in his ugly uniform, sitting back down as he puts on his socks and boots

As he sits to put his boots on, a pair of pale arms wraps around onto his chest. Spein-El clears his throat and says, “Morning.”

She moans in his ear, “Get back to bed.”

“God-” He pauses from tying his boot and smiles, catching himself, he shakes his head, “I really wish I could.”

Mil scratches under his chin, “Be a good boy will you?”

Spein-El smiles and tilts his head from her, “We can’t, I’m already late for work.” He lets out a chuff and tells her, “We should be able to go out tonight, it’s been a while now and the lil’miss wouldn’t want me off the field for long.”

“What were you thinking?”

“I’ll bring home a surprise, take you someplace great.”


Walking in the city with his jacket slung over his shoulder, he wears his shirt with the top two buttons undone, and his left sleeve is fully filled in with a red stripe down the center of them. He walks in the upper levels around the academy, a little market square with eyes on a giant mango for sale. Speaking to the seller, he is somewhat taken aback by the very hefty price for it, yet forced to accept it at its large soccer ball sized fruit. He rubs his chin in thought, pondering the worth of a fruit worth a couple expensive dates.

As he thinks it over, the stall owner yells and falls on their ass, as the world turns sideways. “I really need to upgrade to armored steel…” Spein spins around to see the syndicate leader recover from a large sweeping arc of his greatsword, crossing his wrist to rotate the blade to the other end, he raises the blade high and is about to slam it down on El. However, El turns and elbow strikes the man in the core with his right arm, catching Spein with his left hand. He throws Spein through the leader and teleports El behind him mid-kick that launches him across the square.

RWBY: FaLSE TaleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang