Chapter 38: The Gravitas of Life

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Chapter 38: Gravitas of Life

Riding in a light gallop, Lucifer pets his mare’s main and holds onto the lasso reins in his left hand. He rides up the mountain through a forest of red fir trees and thick shrubbery, the morning sun behind him to the east of the mountain he scales up. Lowering the volume of the music in his ears as he clears his mind. He reminisces about the past, gripping tightly onto his holstered handgun.

Looking up to the rooftop of a house in Mistral, “Well, well… If it isn’t the Beacon monster himself, fresh from death.” Jackman’s voice rings to him, the man grinning with his tail wagging between the tails of his suit.

Indigo’s drawn valley-girl like affectation speaks to him, “You can’t change a person, little bro.”  Holding him at gunpoint, the moon up behind her and Jackman.

He reminisces, leaning against a wall as Miltia and Melanie stand off against Indigo in the Malachite family room, “You know- it’s a sad day when a man must hide behind his little girl…”

Sitting across from the little miss, she sits behind her desk and tells him,“- at least you know gratitude and respect…” Sitting on a rock on a hill, he looks over the city of Argus with his scroll to his ear, “The world really won’t let us have you dead…” Sitting in the Malachite dining room, Miltia peels and snips off loose and burnt flesh off his face as Melanie paces. The lil’miss sits across from him and asks, “And just what are you?”

Fighting under the Great Hall of Haven, Garnet shouts at him, “Why do you get to have so much power?!” Garnet runs at him while igniting his saber across her nubbed arm, “You’re going to burn just like me!”

Standing out in front of the Haven CCT tower, Ghira tells him, “- I must fight for my family and friends, and then their families…”

Beside him up over the parked Argus Limited, Miltia holds his left hand, “It’s pointless pondering the if when they passed.”

Sitting out on the bed across from Silva in a train, Lucifer smokes a cigar as Silva points out, “- Miltia’s done you good. She’s definitely calmed you down-” Treading through the snow of Anima’s nature, Silva asks him, “Neither of us got here complaining, why start again?”

Hugging his horse on the hill outside Argus, the little miss tells him, “You’re definitely dying alright…” She softly informs him, “You at least tried…”

As a young boy, he looks up to a goat faunus with curly white hair, he smokes a hand rolled fire twig, and when he looks at the dull eyes of the boy, he says, “I recognize ‘ose eyes, the pain inside of’em.”

Miltia, leaning up to him ever so closer him, she whispers to him, “You can’t end up like before, I don’t want you to.”

Smiling, he releases his hold on his handgun as he comes up to the sharp bar gates that start their entrance. Pulling up to it, Lucifer takes out his scroll and holds up his ID to the gatekeeper, a stubby man with a black toupee.

“Who goes there!” The man yells from a small shed beside the gate.

“I am Lucifer, a huntsman of Haven.” Dismounting the mare, Lucifer tells him, “I’ve gotta speak to Lord Alastor.”


“I’ve got news for Lord Gravitas Alastor about a-” Taking his scroll out, he pretends to read out, “a Spein-El Alastor?”

The man shoo’s at Lucifer, “There’s no Spy-El that lives here.”

“There’s not a Spein-El alive,” Lucifer looks down, hiding his face under his hat, “no more.”

RWBY: FaLSE TaleWhere stories live. Discover now