Chapter 50: Survivors of Cold and Death

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Chapter 50:

Whitley, hurriedly walking down the hall in fresh clothes and a washing of his face and hair. He spots Silva coming out of his mother's room and obnoxiously asks, "What do you think you're doing, who exactly are you?"

Silva proceeds to block the noise immediately traveling in the area and responds, "Excuse me, you little ungrateful shit?! I'm doing the job you should be doing trying to consult your mother!"

Whitley, taken aback, holds his finger up at Silva, "No, excuse you. Who are you to tell me what my job is? How dare you think it's my responsibility to console that pathetic alcoholic-"

Before he can finish his sentence Silva hits him straight in the gut, picking him up by his collar and putting him against the wall. Silva yells in his face, "How dare I? How dare I?! You have no idea what I'd give to have my mother back! To be able to pick her up when she's down, to be able to just hug her again! Now I've got this privileged little shit telling me who he thinks his mother is! How about some sympathy for the women who birthed you!? How about a little compassion!? Did you take a good look at the sorry excuse of a person you call a father!? You have a family, sisters and a mother! You wanna talk like a big boy, act like one, show me how a man picks a woman up, not bring her down! Show me how a man, in his darkest hour, rises above and figures it out! AND then you can question me! ARE U CAPABLE OF THAT WHITLEY SCHNEE???" Whitley looks down with a tear coming down his eye. "ANSWER ME!!!" Yelled Silva

Whitley whimpers out, "I-I-I don't know... I'm not sure I'm just angry... okay? I-I was left - alone with - whatever you wanna call my father... my drunk mother... and my sisters left me alone... W-What do you want from me..? What am I supposed to do..?

"Now you're asking the right questions. It's up to you to figure out. But you have a mother that's begging for one of her children to hear her, to see her pain. A sister that's gonna one day need help just like today, maybe you can start there." With that Silva releases Whitley and hugs him, he tells the boy, "People all your life were probably telling you how you should be, or who you should be like to ask yourself important shit: What Does Whitley Schnee want to be? How does he want to carry himself? That's all up to you child. Welcome To life little man try to live it well."


Walking down the halls of the Schnee Manor, Luna is held in his arms. Lucifer loosely follows the same path that Weiss has been storming down, quite some meters away. "You've grown cowardly!" Lucifer sighs as the voice screams at him. "You should kill her! Kill the witch! Kill! Kill!! Kill!!!" Lucifer releases a loud growl and shakes his head, scaring away a servant that began to approach them.

Lucifer looks down to a worrying and shaken up Luna. Smiling, he tells her, "It's gonna be alright, Lune. I'm here for you, and it doesn't matter where in the world we are, even if I was on the complete other end, I'd be there. You're my little sis for a reason, and no other woman shares that title. You even see that man, don't bother with him, just call me. Now while I ain't killing all willy-nilly anymore, I'll kill him on request. Broad daylight even. He ain't ever gonna touch you again, I swear it." Luna smiles and nods, closing her eyes as he continues following after Weiss.


Inside the dining room of the Schnee Manor, the Atlas councilmen continue to talk to James Ironwood. Beside Ironwood, Winter is to his right with Penny to hers, while to his left is Clover. On the left side of the table, in the middle, Robyn Hill is sitting. While at the forefront of the table, Jacques sits at the head of the table with Councilwoman Camilla to his left and Councilman Sleet to his right.

Camilla informs him, "General, since the day you were appointed Headmaster, there have been Atlesians who are skeptical of one man holding two Council seats."

RWBY: FaLSE TaleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora