Chapter 13: Lily Silva

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Chapter 13: Lily Silva

Silva: It all ties back to way before, quite a bit before even entering Beacon or Atlas. I never got told much about my father, she barely spoke of her past. However, she always spoke very proudly of him, never saying a single bad thing; as if he didn’t leave us.


Running in the markets of the coastline city of Combe, Vale; a young boy of 11 winters runs with a small notepad list in his left hand. He dresses in shabby clothes of a black hoodie and red pants, all oversized on him, his short hair a light black and obviously home cut. Above him the elevated railway shakes with its busy nature, catching his interest as a short train drives overhead.

Behind him, his mother yells as she jogs after him: “Fàbi! Slow down! Mami isn’t so fast!” She catches him and huffs as she plants her hands on his shoulders. “Mijo, I didn’t even give you money. Calm down.”

Lily Silva turns him around and smiles down to her lively dragon. Her worn appearance is only a shadow when she sees his smile, always making her tired soul relax and give her her own smile.

“But spaghetti is great!” He gleefully argued.

“I know, I know.” She  digs in her purse and hands him three blue L cards, “Lets give you some homework, get all that’s on the list with this, and meet me right back over there-” She points to a small fountain by the middle of the market.

Fàbio smiles and runs off, going straight to business. He goes stall to stall, buying what was on the list at the best amount he could, doing just as his mother had taught him; buy what they aren’t showing. Unsold misshapen onion, garlic, and tomatoes that could give for easy cheapness. As he goes to buy the final ingredients, looking for chili peppers, the shrieking grind of steel on steel deafen. From above a black cargo train suddenly screams to a halt, the freight engine’s nose lifts into the air to the tilt on its left side.

Fàbio stairs in awe and fear as the black train skids off the bridge and buildings, he is grabbed and dragged away by the stand owner, brought closer to the buildings behind the stalls. Screams of fear out pitch the screech of the train, the impending boom of its landing even then did not cover the screams of the everyday people. A sandy cloud sweeps over the street market, slowly the screams die down leaving but groans of pain.

Against the wishes of the stall owner, Fàbio pushes his way out of his grasp and runs to the crash. Crying out, “Mamá!” as he runs to the fountain as they had promised, he crawls, climbs, and goes through destroyed cargo hauls. In the black train, a white snowflake catches a glimmer in his side eye, destroying androids left in means unnatural in this rubble. Finally getting to the fountain, a black rail car is on its side crushing the fountain, diagonal to the ground it shows off the owning symbol of the cargo. A white snowflake made of spearheads jutting from a hexagon, having a filled in hexagon in the center.

His knees tremble, hands shake, the pain of his heart cannot allow his will to not cry overcome him. He runs to the body under the train, crushed on the chest down, he hugs the head of his already cold mother. He calls for her, begging to himself and his god that this is but a dream, that this is all just in his head. Yet no call has reached the god, or no god has replied… Coming up to him, a man dressed like that akin to a cowboy, watches as the child cries over the bloody remains. He holds onto his belt, his thumbs caressing the large silver buckle ornate with a rose.

The man smugges his cigarette into his leather vest, then walks to the boy. “Get up, Peque. The dead don’t need their faces tarnished in tears.” He places a hand on Fàbio’s head. “I can help you, but you’re gonna need to stop that crying.”


Silva: I always blamed the Schnees for her death, I hated that the one family I had was taken from me because of them. We weren’t a large city like the capitol, we simply wanted to live. I was such a stupid kid, going with that damned man. After meeting Winter, I had my thoughts on the Schnees questioned a small bit; always thought them as absolute emotionless and selfish, yet there she was training recruits and serving Atlas. Then we met Weiss, such the polar opposite of who I thought of, sweet and cute, unintentionally funny at times. I wanted answers of just who the Schnee’s are.


Pulling his black hair back into a neat low ponytail, he ties it with a red ribbon. Silva sits in the back of an Atlesian Manta-transport, looking into his scroll’s camera to himself. Having cleanly shaved his jaw, his goatee is trimmed finely in a short form. Dressed in a black three-piece suit with a gray vest and white shirt, a blue tie around his neck. He smiles to himself and opens the bay door, hopping out and then locking up the ship, shutting it down for the time it will be used again. Surrounded by a man-made forest, he leaves the woods and walks along a tall white wall.

Beyond this wall a great boxed manor of five stories tall, four large towers come from the corners of the main central building. Outside the manor is a two story tall canopy wrapped around the entrance, held by great marble pillars. At the entrance in the round-a-bout driveway, a tall fountain the height of the manor is outside with the Schnee Crest made of hardlight on the top. He enters the left side manor, being greeted by a chubby and jolly, middle-aged butler with bright yellow eyes. The butler smiles brightly as Silva enters the doors, walking up to him and fixing Silva’s tie.

“This uniform suits you, Mr. Silva.” He tightens the knot of the tie, saying, “Now, I must remind you, this will be your only uniform, so be sure to not dirty it.”

“Got it.” Silva rolls his shoulders and lifts his neck, getting more comfortable. “Thanks, Mr. Klein.”

Klein’s eyes turn red and he scolds Silva, “Ah-hah. It is now, “Thank you kindly, Butler Klein.” especially if you are to work here for long.” His eyes light brown, “The Schnee’s hold great regulations for their servants.”

“Right, Butler Klein.”

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