Prologue (Rewritten)

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Letting out a long and hot breath, the windows fog over from the white haze that is let out. In rows of five, children and men of similar age stand in a transport. A brown man with silvery hair looks out the window to the place they don’t belong, a large dome of weathered steel. The cold tundra is empty in the dark night sky, the green aurora lighting the sky beautifully. Ahead, a giant door opens in the roof, letting them pass through the twenty yards of mechanical work.

Initiates stand in rows of four by the length of nine, near the back a man breeds worry and gloom as he stands with a coffin of his six foot size to his side. He wears white slacks with a maroon and crimson suit vest, having light armor and a shoulder cape over the left arm. Behind him, a guy snickers and says, “Mans came already prepared.” Looking behind himself, the coffin owner nods and hoists the saber on his left hip.

“At-tention!” The front line sergeant commands. “Today, April 8th, the 80th year of the first century, you will strive to become the highest of honors in Remnant. You will face demons of all kinds, small and large. Remember, the goal of this initiative is to survive the week coming and be in charge of this path yourselves. You will all be dropped in orderly fashion in the zone at random points, the first person you connect with will be your first teammate, it is then that you will finish the team as the first duo you make contact with. You have full access to your equipment, but only what you have prepared; run out? Too bad. You must survive this and gain yourself a trophy, take the exoskeletal skull of a creature of Grimm. How to do so is for you to figure out, you’ve got a week.” The sergeant stomps his heel, “Now! While this may be a controlled space, this does not mean any huntsmen will be saving you, so survive and be smart.”

Behind the line the hanger door opens down to a ramp. It is one by one that they are told to jump, it was soon that a man of decent height would run barreling out into the nature below. His silvery hair matching that of the snow below, he unsheathed the cutlass on his back and pushed up the switch under the guard, lengthening the handle to a long grip. His body releases a pulse of white that causes him to slowly fall with the ease of a feather. Looking back he lets out a scoff and begins to search for somewhere to camp.

Being bumped into as another runs out the ship, the dread spreading man shrugs his shoulder cape to a more comfortable position, and with ease he hoists the large black coffin with his right hand. He makes his way to the ledge of the ramp, holding onto the bar with an iron grip. in the wind his heavy leather cape flows in the wind, revealing the rifle on his left hip. The room light turns green with a loud buzz, signaling his time for his leap out, being swallowed by the growing blizzard. In the far distance, a beacon of purple illuminates from

A girl of very colorful exterior and personality skates her way out the ship, bumping into a small lady that was beside her. She trips as the person beside her leaves, sliding out the ship as fear strikes her body and soul, her screams fading into the storm. Her pale hand and white dress fades away in the blanket that is being laid. Stepping up after the error, a woman grasps onto the bar with hands of mechanical nature. The ship grew eerie from distrust, spreading the squad apart. The light shines green and buzzes, yet she waits a short second before jumping and hugging a tree that pokes out above all.

“Today, you have taken the first steps to becoming heroes of Humanity. Good luck, soldiers, may Oum protect us all.” The sergeant salutes as the ramp closes. Of the forty initiates only twenty-seven would jump, barely over half, yet too few for full teams.

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