Chapter 36: Lost and Found

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Chapter 36:

Sitting around in the living room of Saphron’s and Terra’s home, Team RWBY watches in surprise as Jaune punches the wall, leaving a very large crack in it. Lucifer claps at Jaune, sitting in a wheelchair by the pass through window. The group is spread out across the room; Blake and Nora sitting on the sofa with Nora holding her head over her lap, Yang beside the sofa in front of the island

Ruby yells, “Jaune!”

Jaune exclaims, “Everything we did was for nothing!”

Blake shakes her head, “That's not true.”

Nora, angry, lifts her head up, “Really? Cuz it sure does sound like it.”

Blake’s ears lower down, “I, um…”

Ren asks the room, “If Salem can't be killed, then how are we supposed to win this?” Everyone remains silent, save for Lucifer, he chuckles as he fixes a rubix cube.

Jaune, sarcastic, “Wow... Great plan everyone!”

Oscar calmly states, “Look, none of this is great, we know. But we're not the bad guys here.”

Jaune, hostile, with his back to Oscar, “Are we sure about that?”

Oscar glances around, “What?”

“He's in your head, isn't he? Did you already know about this?” Jaune angrily walks over to Oscar.

Weiss holds her hands up at him, “He didn't know any of it!”

Jaune grabs Oscar and shoves him against the wall, “How much longer can we even trust him?!”

Yang yells across the room, “Jaune!”

Jaune lifts Oscar by the collar, “How do we even know it's really him?! What if we have been talking to that liar this whole time?!”

“Jaune!” Ruby angrily glares at Jaune, who glares back at her. He looks back over to Oscar, who is cowering in fear. 

Silva grabs Jaune by the shoulder, “I don’t like Oz, but he’s still a damn kid. Let him go.”

Jaune, realizing what he has done, lets go of Oscar with an apologetic look on his face. Jaune then goes upstairs. A door can be heard opening and slamming shut.

Yang walks over to the steps, “Is he... gonna be okay?”

“I don't know!” Nora exclaims before she gets up and leaves.

Ren slaps his lap, ”I think it would be best if we had some time to ourselves.” He leaves and heads upstairs as well. Leaving team RWBY, Oscar, and Silva and Lucifer remain in the living room.

Blake sighs, “Maybe we could all use some space.”

Everyone stays silent. Oscar looks down sadly. Shortly after, Ruby heads outside with her scroll to her ear while the rest of the team with Silva decide to make lunch. Silva pushes Lucifer around and leaves him to the side of the kitchen entrance, and looking at them all, it dawns on Lucifer.

“You know,” Lucifer begins, he fiddles with his new hand, watching as all the fingers bend backwards, he says, “you all do so much complaining, all about yourselves.” He looks around the group, “But have you ever asked Oscar how he’s been? He’s a boy, barely a teen, yet his entire existence has been challenged.”

Blake looks back, “I mean-”

“No, no excuses.” Lucifer says. “All of us, we set our decisions in our minds. You all wanted to be Huntsmen, Silva wants to fuck around without being controlled by Atlas, and I- well I’m in the most deadly city on Remnant.” He points behind him, “But, Oscar, well I understand where he’s coming from. Silva, I’m sure, understands as well. Being forced to do something, it’s demeaning to a man, to anyone really.”

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