Chapter 10: Duos - GLSS v. JNPR

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Chapter 10:

Standing in the arena, Silva stares down Garnet as she along with Pyrrha and Nora wave to the crowd as the environments are chosen. In the bleachers, Luna rubs Spein-El’s back as he taps his foot profusely, biting his fang into his thumb. Looking around, Silva spots the two in seating in the front rows for Atlas. Siva slaps the back of Garnet’s head.

She turns to Silva and asks, “What!?”

Silva points his polearm at the seats, “Where the fuck is Spein?”

Rolling her eyes, “Over with Luna.” Garnet points up to the roof dismissively.

“Let me rephrase this.” He clears his throat and dramatically points, “Me-You, just stop. Our teamwork, ass. Them, powerhouses. Spein and I? Have teamwork!”

Garnet throws her arms out, “We can work together!”

“Name one moment, just one.” He walks closer to the center of the ring, “Hell, I’ll speak to them while I wait.”

As the environments are raised to the arena, Silva walks over to the opponents. An icy landscape of deep waters and large icebergs, an obstacle course of platforms made of gravity dust, a beach-like space that has only half a large brig, and a space of flat metal platforming. 

Silva sighs at the area and gives a short wave to his friends, “The strength of the team, huh? Well that’s cool.”

“Hello Silva!” Pyrrha sings as normal. She looks at the beginning of the timer for the match, “Aren’t we supposed to fight?”

“Yeah, I want to-” Nora’s voice deepens in excitement, “bring you down!!!”

“Sadly, we’re gonna have to fight, but I thought I’d tell you that I’m not losing without a fight.” He smirks and waves behind him as he returns to Garnet, “Good luck!” he yelled back to them.

“Just like last time?!” Garnet asks, getting a short nod from Silva.

Getting beside Garnet, the two get in position; her infront with her saber lifted, Silva standing back pointing straight. Once the match was counted down again, Silva snapped his fingers and said, “Just go.” Silver feathers bloom from Garnet, she sprints off across the platform, but crashes between Pyrrha and Nora into the water of the beach. Laughing, Silva rushes to the distracted two and hooks the blade behind Nora’s ankle, he pulls her down and lifts the shaft to stab Pyrrha away. He continues to run and splits his weapons, the shaft folding into a rifle and the magazine extending, quickly he loads a clip in and fires backing off Nora.

From the brig, flaming bullets rain on the duo as Silva jumps into the hole in the hull. Pyrrha makes haste after Silva, blocking high with her shield. Garnet swaps arms and coats Pyrrha’s shield in ice, freezing it over to be cumbersome, yet there was no time to take the opening, as from above Garnet is bombarded by pink gas. Pyrrha jumps into the hole, landing on her shield to shatter off the ice and recovers with a roll, resting her spear in the divot of her shield. From below on the tilt, a bang echoes out and a crate flies against gravity at her. Jumping to the side, the crate barrels through the hull and Silva jumps onto her through the floor and releases a cap into her chest, opening for a quick slash of his cutlass. He then hops back and retreats further into the ship, retrieving his propped rifle.

Rolling out of Nora’s hammer’s blast, Garnet slashes down on Nora’s shoulder and then shoots explosive flames at her own feet. Garnet propels herself up onto the fore mast, she then runs up to the folded fore topsail. Nora doesn’t bother chasing after, instead slides below the mast and heaves her hammer, she then pulls the trigger under the hammer and blasts the wood beam to splinters. As Garnet falls, Silva skits on the deck, up, uppercutting Nora with his reformed guandao, he slips the rear end between her legs and pushes her knee from under her.

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