Chapter 4: Whimsical Reports

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Chapter 4:

Walking across the school campus, Spein-El flicks his hair out the way and ties it into a small ponytail. His ears flicker from finally being free from the hair over hair. He walks into the front door of Beacon Tower, passing by the receptionist into the large elevator, pressing the button to the top office. “Mr. El?” headmaster Ozpin asks over the intercom.

Spein-El sighs and complains, “It’s Spein-El, one name.”

“Sorry.” Headmaster Ozpin remotely opens the door, in the middle of the large room Ozpin raises his mug in a wave, “Mr. Spein-El, you came earlier than expected, but thank you.” He motions to the desk with his cane, “Please take a seat.”

Sitting at the desk, Ozpin steps around and lays down a tray with a teapot, “Sorry, I don’t drink tea.”

“I also have coffee, cocoa too.” 

“Sorry.” Spein-El looks around the many large gears over them, “Is this about yesterday? I wrote up the report for my team, I don’t know how everything started.”

“Yes, yes; I too read the report. Interesting series of events, although I’m sure the general isn’t too convinced you went to a-” Professor Ozpin pulls up his side screen and reads through, “a vacuan restaurant, especially considering your allergy to macadamia nuts.”

“I’m very vigilant with my allergen, sir.”

“It would be hoped.” Professor Ozpin takes a sip of his cup of tea as silence grows. A sudden ding comes from behind, the professor opens the doors with his computer. “James, thank you for coming, I’m sure you are very busy in the skies.”

“I was, but this is urgent.” The general marches across the room and lays a hand on Spein-El’s shoulder, “I must say; I am honored that you have chosen a student of my school. I am sure Mr. Spein-El will not disappoint.”


“You- have not told him?”

“No, I was waiting for your arrival beforehand.” Audibly clearing his throat, “Mr. Spein-El, I have invited you here because I sense a potential in you, a potential that brings bad luck when unkempt. Tell me, do you believe in magic?”

“I mean, the Schnee’s exist, so I guess?”

The professor chuckles and shakes his head, “Yes, they have a magical sense to them, but they are not what I meant exactly. I mean, magic.”

Rubbing his throat, he nods, “Well it's childish, but I still do.”

“And, what if I told you that it was real?”

“Well I’d say to pass the blunt.” he giggles to himself, but jumps as-

The general stomps and yells, “Spein-El!”

“Settle down James.” Professor Ozpin snickers, “Yes, I understand how silly I sound. Mr. Spein-El, you are here because when I see you, I see wasted potential. You do the bare minimum in school, passing by the slimmest margin, yet you excel in combat training and still barely pass the class. I want to open up that potential of yours, to unlock your magic.”

“Is magic a euphemism? Cause I ain’t swinging that way.”

“No, I mean magic. Although-


“Well allow me to tell you the downsides.”

“Doesn’t matter.”

“It kinda-”

“Nothing you say will make me change.”

“I see. Well, let us get on with the process?”

Sitting in the classroom of Professor Glynda Goodwitch, Silva sighs as he sits through the professor telling off Mercury Black for challenging Pyrrha right after she fought. Just as he’s about to stand up, the door of the room opens. Strutting in, Spein-El sits in his seat between Luna and Silva.

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