Chapter 9: Quads- GLSS v. CRDL

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Chapter 9:

I won’t cap, this took so long cause I kept forgetting shit about Team CRDL; such as their names, weapons, appearances… I had to remember who they were as well.

Tying up the laces of his boots, Spinel stands as his team is fully prepared for combat. Silva rests his guandao on his shoulder as he press-checks his secondary handgun, a silver 1911 with a pale wood grip. Luna hops in place, taking deep breaths. Garnet fixes her sabers resting position on her belt, strapped to her forearms two extra magazines of combustion dust. Spinel pulls up his black gloves and straps the wrists down, as he clenches his fist cyan blue dust lines forms stripes across the back of his hand.

Silva looks at Spinel, noticing him wearing a full vest suit, remarks; “Finally decided to wear a shirt?”

Spinal smiles and holds his scroll up, “What can I say? Felt cute, might hit some bitches up later.”

“Bitches, plural?” Silva snickers, “Good luck on that.” He holsters his pistol on his left thigh and walks out as the teams are announced. He turns at the door, “Hey, I really mean it!”

Garnet rolls her eyes and slams her locker shut, “I don’t, stay a virgin.” She leaves after Silva, “Let’s go, Luna.”

Luna glances at Spinel as he finishes preparing, quietly asking, “Are you a-? Nevermind…”

He laughs to himself, “Garnet fucking wishes.” Grabbing a single-hand estoc from the locker, he slaps the cross-section on his belt buckle, the sword splitting into many segments as it wraps around his belt.

Running out after his team, he joins the team in the center stage, all around up high they are surrounded by people from all around the world. Garnet leads the team with waves aimed high, while Luna and Silva seem anxious to start the fight; Luna constantly grabbing between her arms and both her swords hilts, while Silva spins the gaundao in his left hand. Spinel hides his face with his hand. Across from them, Team CRDL of Vale boastily pump each other up, preemptively bragging their victory.

Patting Silva’s arm, Spinel says, “I got 50 Garnet goes out first.”

Silva thinks it over and asks, “Of the team or the match?”

Spinel points to the ground and then at Garnet, “This match, first person.”

Looking at the enemy team, Silva shakes his head, “Nah, Garnet’s not that bad. I’ll take that bet.”

Over the intercoms, Professor Port announces the matchup: “Team CRDL of Beacon, versus, Team GLSS of Atlas! Spin the wheel!” The space around the stage lets out holographic projections of various environmental symbols, until they all begin rotating out at excessive speeds.

“You know, you four should probably just surrender.” Cardin boasts in warning. “There’s a reason you didn't get into Beacon like us!”

Spinel sighs and digs his wallet from his back pocket, he slaps a silver card of lien on Silva’s chest. The four projections behind Team CRDL end with what looks to be tall buildings, while behind the best team, Team GLSS, the projection is of a volcano. The stadium around them opens on the floors, on one half a small replica of a city in ruins raises out the ground. While on the other half a lake of lava surrounds a small mountain which spews lava from its mouth. Looking behind her, Garnet’s eyes widen and she takes a large step away from the lake.

Silva sighs and slaps the silver card back to Spinel, but Spinel slaps it back and says, “Nuh-uh, nega, I’m losing this one.” Rotating his neck, he shrugs and pops his shoulders and runs in place, Spinel drops into a crouch start and Silva smirks. Silva slams his guandao on the ground and stands behind him, raising his right arm and pointing at Cardin.

Professor Port and Oobleck count down with the crowd; “Three… Two… One..! Begin!”

A loud buzzer blares and Silva releases a burst of silver feathers off of Spinel. Spinel takes off in a sprint, tackling Cardin through the wall of a ruined building. Before any could even start their fights, a series of three buzzes set off and Cardin’s elimination was announced.

“Easiest 50 in my life.” Silva says to Dove, he then swiftly delivers a right hook to the boy and lets out a laugh, stabbing straight with the polearm.

Sky, a tall man wearing dark gray light plate armor, swings down his halbert onto the small and illusive Luna. She hops to the side and hooks her right blade on the shaft of it between his hands, she then drags him to her and punches his chest with the flat of her left hilt, sending yellow lightning off his chestplate. She then jumps back and retreats into the volcano area, jumping onto a floating slab of magma rock. She catches her balancing, tempting the pool with her little weight.

Running away between Sky and Luna, Garnet makes her way into the ruins whilst being followed by Russel. Sky looks at Luna and shrugs, chasing after Garnet with his teammate. Luna slouches and hops back onto the stage, running on after the chase.

Once in the ruins, spinning on her heels, Garnet unsheathes her saber and stabs forward, catching Russel’s dagger over her knuckle guard. She grabs his second dagger and kicks his shin, then pushing her sword out and draws across his open chest, then kicking him off and jumping back as Sky slams his halberd down. Sky struggles to free his embedded ax-blade, and as he does Luna hooks her blades onto his shoulders and slides under him, flipping him onto his shoulders. From within the ruins, electric blue highlights the outline of a pale face, two scarlet eyes glow in the darkness. The pale shadow charges out, catching Sky from the air by the knee; Spinel grins large just before latching his fangs through the plates on his shoulders.

“Remarkable timing on Ms. Gray’s and Mr. El’s part!” Professor Port cheers. “Reminds me of my youthful days!”

“Remarkable indeed, especially the semblance of Mr. Spein-El.” Doctor Oobleck says, fixing his glasses, “Nicknamed ‘Vampyr’, he drains the aura of foes through his fangs. Yet this does not compete with Mr. Silva’s ‘Altered Zephyr’!”

Garnet shoots Russel’s feet with ice and bashes her pommel into his nose, she then kicks him away into Spinel’s stomach. Catching Russel, Spinel grabs him by the ear and shoulder and latches onto his throat.

Releasing a bloom of feathers, Silva moves at the speed of a bullet. He sweeps low with his guandao across Dove’s shin, then shoulder bashing him off his feet. As Dove is still up, Silva swings up and continues his momentum, continuously striking up to keep him off his feet. He then kicks Dove across to the ledge of the lava lake, running after, he hops and spin lunges the gap, slashing the guandao just graze of the fool’s jewels. Silva laughs at the sight of panic, Dove’s eyes wide open as the flick of the dao just barely missed him. Dove chuckles in relief, but Silva suddenly stops laughing and unstraps his 1911, releasing a cap between the eyes, lowering Dove’s aura to red.

“-And in a sweeping defeat, Team CRDL is out and Team GLSS advances to the duos!” Professor Port stomps his boot on the console, “Such a sweeping victory reminds me of my team back in the day-”

Fixing his suit, Spinel joins with his team as they leave the arena, down 50, but up in eliminations. He gives his two finger salute to the crowd as they leave.

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