Chapter 2: Timeskip

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Chapter 2: Timeskip

Driving down the streets of Vale, Silva and Spein-El look around festivities Silva’s street set up. Silva drives the car, an old classic of a muscle ride, a royal blue dark coated with that side decals of a lusty woman. A succubus fair in skin is on her side, seductively beckoning with her finger, from her back is a pair of candy blue bat-like wings, while her spiky tail continues going across the doors to the front, wrapping around onto the hood and around the Atlesian supercharger with three butterfly valves. A chevy nova cruises as the inside the most pointless of arguments calm in great frustration.

“So, lemme get this straight, cause we been arguing for way too Fucking long.” Silva exclaims in exhaustion. “You own this car.”

Nodding, Spein-El lets out a long sigh and rests his head on his fist, “Yes.”

“You don’t know how to drive this car?” Silva asks.

Spein-El nods again, “Cannot.”

Slapping the wheel, he yells at Spein, “Then why you bring this car, nega!?”

Spein-El throws up his hand, “You driving it, ain’t you?”

Beginning to crackle, Silva motions to the dark horse on the dashboard, “But it’s your car!”

“Bruh.” “Well I had the money, I had the sight, I got the deal; I only know how to drive bikes.”

“I swear to fucking Oum…” Silva  shakes his head. “Fuck this, we gotta meet up with Luna.”

Spein-El checks the time, “She's not with that shisno, right? Cause I’m fucking starvin’.”

Silva, laughing, “Nega, you always hungry.”

Once reaching the inner city, the people walk the streets as though they have no roads, decorating the posts and stop lights, buildings and all are not safe from the people. Pulling over with a sigh, the two get out of the car and Silva tosses the key over the hood.

Catching the key, Spein-El spins the keychain and hums, “Vale got any good seafood?”

“Why would I know?” Silva scoffs, “You know I don’t care for the stuff.”

Chuckling, Spein-El slaps Silva on his scaled shoulder blade, “Cause you’re a lizard.”

Silva, exasperated: “Oum, you’re lucky you're my lil’ bro.”

“It ain’t that bad, hell, I’m called a coon for two reasons!” Spein-El laughs as he ducks a punch, he then leans back as the second punch comes front. “Hah!” Silva sweeps Spein’s leg, knocking him on his ass. “Fuck!”

The two continue walking, and as they get closer to the docks the crowds begin to thin out. The city grows more bright in color, no longer being gray and white, now being brown and white. As the duo walked, an excited woman exclaimed, “Sensational!” Spein-El motions the direction around the corner and turns over to see five girls, four of which are exhausted while the fifth is the cherry and eccentric person as always.

“Let’s not?” Silva offered. “Penny’s cool and all, but I’m looking to eat, not get my ass kicked.”

“She’s not that bad, you just introduced yourself wrong.” Spein-El walks to the ladies.

Penny cups a weird girl’s hands, “We could paint our nails, try on clothes, and talk about cute boys!”

Spein-El lays his hand on Penny’s head, saying with a smirk, “Well I’m not a boy, but I am pretty cute.”

“Salutations friend Spein!” Penny seemingly teleports herself around, she hugs Spein and sees behind him, “Friend Silva!” 

Silva slaps Spein in the back of the head and says, “Pen, you seen Luna around?”

“Friend Luna is currently at the docks, getting off the ferry that shows the docks of Vale.” She pauses before pointing with her body the direction, “Walk two blocks straight, one left, then a right, left, left, straight, left and continue until you get to the ferry.”

“Okay…” Silva looks to Spein, “I’m following you.”

“Excuse me?” One of the ladies asks. The shortest of the four, brightest and palest too. She asks, “Have either of you seen a monkey-tailed r-rapscallion?”

“The fuck?” Spein-El blurted out.

Silva lets out a long sigh, “Not all Faunus know each other.”

Spein-El laughs to himself silently as he says, “Only Faunus that swam the border know each other.”

“Shut the fuck up, nega!” Silva socks Spein in the human ear and clears his throat. “We ain’t seen a monkey faunus, nah. What’d he do?”

The white girl slaps her hand, “He stowed away on a ship.”

The tallest of the ladies, a blonde possible bimbo, explains, “She wants to meet him cause he’s a fighter in the Vytal Tournament.”

Penny answers for the three, “We do not know him, but we are also attending the tournament.”

The white girl doubts, “You’re fighting in the tournament?”

“I’m combat ready!” Penny gives a fast salute.

The girl squints her eyes, “Forgive me, but you hardly look the part.”

The hiding Faunus of the group sarcastically implies, “Says the girl wearing a dress.”

“It’s a combat skirt!” The white girl puffs her fists on her hips.

A short redhead, in a black dress, runs beside her and yells, “Yeah!” The two high five down low.

“Well I doubt there’s much to see anyways.” Spein-El muttered. He gives his common saluting wave, “The names Spein-El, one name, not two.”

The white girl boastfully holds her hand to her chest as she introduces herself, “I am Weiss Schnee, of the Schnee family.”

“I’m Yang!” The blonde introduces. She then points to the youngest, “That’s my little sister, Ruby!” She then points to the disguised Faunus, “And that’s Blake.”

“Great, good luck with dealing with Penny, you’ll need it.” Spein-El walks around them and waves as he leaves, “She can be quite the handful.”

Silva hands Weiss a card and leaves, catching up with Spein before taking the lead. The two continue following the directions that Penny had given until at the docks they find little Luna sitting on the edge of the pier. In her hands a bowl of oats, she tosses some down into the water at the ducks which swarm her. Silva and Spein-El sit besides her, Spein-El snacking on the oats.

Silva leans back, “Today’s already long for you two?” He asked, gaining nods in response. “Everyone got epipens?” Luna nods again, yet this time…

“Nope.” Spein-El smiles. He slaps his thighs before standing up, “Welp, bout time we go eat, eh?

Luna holds up a pen to him, “I brought two.”

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