Chapter 22: A night in the City

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Chapter 22:

Standing out on the balcony outside the three story square house, overlooking the City of Mistral all the way out to the horizon of the mountains, Silva leans on the black metal fence. He speaks to the sunset, “Well mom, I guess I’m finally back in Mistral. It’s been a long road, ya’know, I had myself a lot of adventures. Hah, I did my job already, so I guess I’ll just take a note from my lazy brother, “just go with the flow.” I miss you,”

Walking up to the railing, Spein-El sits on it and says, “Best to miss than to hate.”

Silva chuckles asking, “You miss your mom?”

“I kinda do, she was still my ma, even if she was a shitty one.” He smiles and brushes his hair back, “I miss the black.”

Silva nods but then shakes his head, “You know, you really do be capping out your teeth. Like, a domestic worker?”

“I mean, on paper that’s what I am, but man I ain’t got shit in reality.” Spein-El sighs and waves it off, “Best to keep them out of my shit.”

Silva laughs and rubs his brow, “Aye, I got you bro.” he pats Spein on the shoulder, “It was just way too funny, had me dying inside when I just “accepted” that shit.”

“Yeah, but now I’m just chillin’ and fucking around.” Spein-El relaxes on the railing and smiles, “Honestly, it’s weird not needing to go out during night now.”

Silva grins as he sees Spein laxly lounging, “Ruby really beat it outa ya, and you done let her get away with it.”

Spein-El holds up four fingers, “The hell was I supposed to do? Punch her because she saw Pyrrha get murdered?”

“True… Wish we coulda fought her together back then.” Silva looks over and catches Spein attempting to light his lighter, he takes it from him and says, “Nega, I’m being sentimental over here! Give some respect to your older brother.”

“And I heard you, and I’m sad that Pyrrha is gone.” Pressing the bud on his right outer wrist, his mark heats up and starts the burn. He holds it up and watches it burn, “I was a fan, had I ever told you that? I always tried to be the best, go with the flow in life but one thing I refused was to ever return to the pit.” 

“She was an inspiration for everyone. She was beautiful, confident and modest, but had the damn skills to back it up. We know who killed her, and I’ll tell you this; if you see Cinder Fall,” Silva holds Spein’s hand and shakes his hand firmly, “kill her for all of us.” He snickers and they pull each other into a chest bump, “Now get your ass out of here, it’s already sunset.”

“Sunset?” Looking out to the mountainous view, Spein-El pales. “Oh shit!”

Silva laughs and slaps Spein-El’s shoulder, forcing him to stand off the railing. He mocks Spein, “You dreamt of hell but she’ll be dragging you back.”

“Yeah, and I don’t wanna go there for real.” Walking to large sliding doors he turns and says, “We’ll talk about the Schnee’s tomorrow, I’m curious about what you’ve found out.” He runs at the cliff, jumping onto the fence and lunging off with a twist. He falls backwards and smirks, giving Silva a two fingered salute before he plummets down.

Silva shakes his head as he looks to the house, comfortably sighing, “This nega… too fucking idiotic to remember the front door.” Pushing himself off the railing, he heads into the house.


Rushing into the mansion, Spein-El takes off his shoes and hurriedly puts them on the rack, continuing he takes off his spaulder, bag, and coat and hangs it up on a rack as he passes by the living room. Going straight upstairs, he enters Mil’s room and takes off his vambraces and the right hidden blade, placing them on the dresser. He unstraps vulcan’s holster with vulcan still in, and quickly spills out the rounds into a container, to then rest the gun over the container. Taking off his short-sleeved button-up, he replaces it with the white one with new silver buttons. As he’s in the midst of changing his belts, Mil walks into the room wearing a stark contrast of how Spein-El is dressing up.

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