Chapter 21: Sober up and Catch up

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Chapter 21:

Laughing as he stumbled through the night streets of lower Mistral. Resting over his shoulders, he holds the black silvery greatsword in a lock, hanging off the grip is a bag with a large spherical object inside it. Across his left cheek is a long straight scar from the bridge of his nose down to the back of his chin, dried blood still smeared around it. Yet he carries a bright smile as he loudly sings:

Þat mælti mín móðir, at mér skyldi kaupa
Fley ok fagrar árar
Fara á brott með víkingum, fara á brott með víkingum
Standa upp í stafni, stýra dýrum knerri
Halda svá til hafnar
Höggva mann ok annan, höggva mann ok annan

Repeating this song all the way until he reaches a house that doesn't fit with the others, the one that doesn't belong. A bit raised above the lower parts of Mistral, built in the line between lower and middle, a small mansion is enclosed by tall white walls with gray slate, gable roofs. Opening the gate, and entering the courtyard the interior of the house has all but one light off, and closing it he locks it shut and finds his curved way to the glass, front doors directly across from the gates. Sliding open the doors, he trips in but catches himself from falling by leaning forward and taking off a boot, freezing.

A pair of pale legs are in his sight, tapping their right foot repeatedly and gaining speed as he stands slouched. In an instant he can feel the clearity, the sudden sobering as his blood rushes in the reversal of time itself. Groaning, he puts back on his boot and walks out without looking up for a second. He closes the doors and looks up; she's just standing there, menacingly, twice more than any other with her white shadow. Walking around to the side, he gets out of sight from the door and climbs up the wall to the balcony, he takes off his boots and walks into the second floor family room directly above the entrance. He shuffles to the bedroom and rests the greatsword on the wall under the coat rack, taking off the bag he takes out the large mango and puts it on the bed, leaving to go to the shower behind a locked door.

"I'm fucked. I'm fucked. I'm fucked." Finishing up his wash, he wears a thin robe and stares at himself in the mirror. His vision slightly blurry in the reflection, just as all things tend to have been since Vale. Smiling, he quickly frowns at the sight of his fangs, letting a low growl before leaving the washroom to his own gloom. Standing, waiting, the sisters are in the hall blocking him.

Mel remarks, "I told you he'd been sneaky, even broke in just to not speak with you."

"Listen, listen, listen..." He slurred out. "I'm drunk, I say stupid shit when I'm drunk. I'm doing you specifically a favor."

Mel smacks her lips, "Alright, now it's your turn to listen."

Looking around the hall, he motions behind them to their room, "Can we do it somewhere else?"

Mil raises her chin and looks to the side, "Perhaps."

He asks, "Can I sleep?"

"Can you die?" She retorted.

"I see... Well based on today, I'm demi-immortal, cheers." Raising a fist of an invisible mug, he laughs and falls onto the wall.

Miltia looks at him skeptically, "What did you do?"

He raises his arms passively, waving them down as he says: "I was just minding my own business."

Melanie scoffs and says, "Bullshit."

"I was!" He explains, "I was just chillin', looking at a big ass mango at the market, then a son of a bitch decapitates me. There was this whole fight and shit, I won but he ran away like a bitch again, however I met my bro- and we kinda had some to drink, y'know?"

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