kiss me a litte

650 22 14

( snape ) 📜🖤


Very short

"I think you're just scared" I looked at him and hoped he could see I wasn't intimidated by him.
Severus Snape had always been my weakness. No matter what he asked, I did it. No matter what happened, I never abandoned him, even is he was in the wrong. We had been together since our first year at Hogwarts. He came back after his 7th year, I came back a couple years later, but it was as if not a day had passed since the time we had spent together at school. I loved him. Only he wasn't aware of it.

It wasn't until I few days ago i had unknowingly confessed to him. I had hurt myself rather nastily and needed, shall we say, special medicine to be treated. I was unimaginably high off of whatever I was given in the hospital wing that I had stupidly declared my love for him when he came to visit. I had declared my love for the most hated teacher at Hogwarts. I can't remember much after that, maybe because of the medicine, maybe because I had blocked it out if my mind due to embarrassment.
Things changed after that day. Our friendship had taken a turn for the worst. Severus barely spoke to me, barely even looked at me.

I had enough of it and decided to confront him.

"I am not scared of anything (y/n)"
He spoke smoothly.

"You don't talk to me, you act as though I don't exist. How do you think that makes me feel? Why would you do that to me unless you were scared?"
I didn't notice it but my voice had slightly raised.

He looked regretful and took a long while to speak. But he finally did.

"I didn't know my feeling for you were reciprocated"

I was confused. Had he really felt the same? All this time?

I took a few steps in front of him, and he took a few steps back. I held his gaze strongly. Moving on the tips of my toes to reach his face, I whispered quietly and firmly, "why don't you kiss me a little?" His face stayed the same but i saw his throat swallow a large gulp.
"I know you want to"

It wasn't long before I felt his lips on mine and my hands gripping onto his hair. This is the moment I'd been waiting for since I was old enough to even know what my feelings for him were. I had craved it.

We pulled away. Neither of us spoke but we didn't need to.
It was a moment I would never forget.
Do people even still wanna read this?? Do people even remember this book???

I've really missed this. I want to start writing again but am unsure as to weather this is still well received. So let me know I guess.
I fell into a really bad writers block and just mental space. But I'm ready to come back. Give me one more chance please🤞

Also this was really short and not my best work. So if this is something you're still interested in reading I'll keep writing.

See you later ❤️❤️❤️

Alan Rickman one shots: smutt & fluffTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon